Liste d'outils de discernements pour Chrétiens"avertis"
Cellule44 croyons que les individus peuvent prendre une décision éclairée que lors qu'on leurs présentent des faits. Ci-dessous nous avons une liste de liens vers divers sites Web que le lecteur peut trouver très instructif.Cellule44 ne prend pas en charge ou ne promouvoit pas d' organisation religieuse ou groupe autre.Sa vocation n'est que d'aider à clarifier des "sujets bibliques" permettant aux individus de prendre des décisions éclairées. Par conséquent, les opinions exprimées par les diverses organisations leur sont propres et qu'ils ne reflètent pas nécessairement les vues de Cellule44.
Bible en ligne:
- Lettre Bible Blue
- E-Sword
- Ministères Precept - va plus profondément dans la Parole de Dieu -
- Guide pour les chrétiens"non-churched "-
Archéologie, etc:
- Amazing Découvertes - ~ extraord / archaeology.htm
- Biblical Archaeology Society -
- L'archéologie et la Bible -
- Awesome Découvertes Bible -
Outil rapide de recherche:
- articles de discernement sur le New Age, occultisme, etc
- Déception au moteur de recherche Église
- Lighthouse Trails moteur de recherche Projet de recherche
- Déception Dans le moteur de recherche Internet de l'Église Ring
Prophétie Bible:
Creation Science / Histoire / Evolution par rapport à la création:
- Answers in Genesis (Ham Ken)
- Pour y croire - les sciences du mouvement de création (McIntosh Andy)
- Pour l'Institut de recherche-création (Associates Divers)
- Création / citations Evolution - Comprendre le Times (Roger Oakland)
- Les scientifiques Speak Out -
Discernement / Apologétique (Royaume-Uni):
- Cross + Word / Ministères Banner (UK)
- Vérité évangélique (Irlande du Nord)
- Europe K-House (Royaume-Uni)
- Ministères Moriel (UK)
- Le discernement et le ministère MDDL étude (Ecosse)
- Vidéos NPN (UK)
- Réservez Penfold et Maison de la Bible (UK)
- Rapture Jour
- Trust Reach Out (UK)
- Réseau de recherche spirituelle (Ecosse)
- Blog SRN - Nouvelles discernement
- Take Heed ministères (Irlande du Nord)
- Light for the Last Days (UK)
Discernement / Apologétique (États-Unis):
- En croyants Grace Ministries (Randles projet de loi)
- L'appel Berean (Dave Hunt McMahon TA /)
- CANA - Réponses Chrétiennes pour le Nouvel Age (Marcia Montenegro)
- CARM - Apologétique chrétienne et le ministère des ressources (Slick Matt)
- Christian Ministries International (Ron Carlson)
- Service de recherche Christian (presse Bud)
- Déception dans l'église (Simpson Sandy)
- Inc Discernement-ministères (Le Van der Merwe)
- Est Watch régional (Muse Steven)
- Exposer Satan's Power (Alexander Ben)
- Foi et Raison Forum (Morley Brian & Donna)
- Articles de recherche Ankerberg John's
- K-House (Chuck Missler)
- Ministères Kjos (Berit Kjos)
- Let Us Reason (Oppenheimer Mike)
- Projet phare de la recherche sur les sentiers (Les années Dombrowski)
- Olivier (Markell Jan)
- Ministères Creek Paw (Chambers Joseph)
- Sensibilisation liberté personnelle (M. Goedelman Kurt & Associates)
- Annoncer l'Evangile (Mike Gendron)
- Ministères de sensibilisation Psychoheresy (Martin & Bobgan Deidre)
- Atteindre les catholiques pour le Christ (Association des Ministères)
- Raisonnement à partir des Écritures (Ron Rhodes)
- Comprendre le Times International (Oakland Roger)
- Ministère phare Utah (Gerald Tanner & Sandra)
- Infonet Walter Martin religieux (Kevin & Jill [Martin] Rische)
- Bois et de l'acier (Scott MacIntyre)
Discernement / Apologétique (Divers pays) (Voir aussi en anglais non apologétique des ressources):
- Index Apologétique (Anton & Janet Hein-Hudson - Pays-Bas)
- Le ministère de la recherche Béréens Apologétique (Justyn M. - Philippines)
- Témoignage chrétien (Phillip & Kathleen Powell - Australie)
- Inc Discernement-ministères (Afrique Jewel Grewe-Sud)
- Missions Pour les catholiques (Joe Mizzi - Malte)
- Ministères Moriel (Prasch Jacob - Royaume-Uni, USA, Nouvelle-Zélande, Afrique du Sud, Irlande, Danemark, Australie)
- Ministères Plumbline (Bosch Anton - Afrique du Sud)
- Pour les secteurs libres (Nouvelle-Zélande)
Non-anglophones Sites Apologétique
- Afrikaans ... et le swahili, portugais et russe (orientation Bible)
- Française (Association Parole de Vie)
- Française (Beacon Berean)
- Italienne (Beacon Berean)
- Polonais (Beacon Berean)
- Portugais (CARM)
- Roumain (Ressources Christian roumain)
- Espagnol (Beacon Berean)
- Espagnol (Instituto de Cristiano Mexique)
- Suédoise (
- Tagalog (Béréens Ministère de la Recherche apologétique - Philippines)
- Des ressources linguistiques de l'étranger (au - Ministère Josh McDowell)
Biographies (missionnaire):
Modernes «apôtres» et «Prophètes»
- Barbie Breathitt
- Bill Johnson
- Charisma Magazine
- Che Ahn
- Cindy Jacobs
- Liste Élie
- Erica Greve
- Fausses prophéties
- Henry Malone
- James Goll
- Jesus Camp
- John Mark Pool
- Judy Jacobs
- Kathi Pelton
- Kim Clement
- Lou Engle
- Mike Bickle
- Paul Cox
- Prophètes des bénéfices
- Rick Joyner
- Ryan Wyatt
- Steve Shultz
- Todd Bentley
- Tom Panich
- Liste des "Méga-churchs" aux USA
Church Name City State Average
Attend.Denom Lakewood Church
Joel OsteenHouston TX 43500 NONDENOM LifeChurch
Craig GroeschelEdmond OK 26776 EC Fellowship Church
Ed Young, Jr.Grapevine TX 24000 SBC Willow Creek Community Church
Bill HybelsSouth Barrington IL 23400 NONDENOM North Point Community Church
Andy StanleyAlpharetta GA 23377 NONDENOM Second Baptist Church
Edwin YoungHouston TX 22723 SBC Saddleback Valley Community Church
Rick WarrenLake Forest CA 22418 SBC West Angeles Church of God in Christ
Charles BlakeLos Angeles CA 20000 COGIC Southeast Christian Church
Dave StoneLouisville KY 17261 CHRISTIAN Fellowship of the Woodlands
Kerry ShookThe Woodlands TX 17142 NONDENOM The Potter's House
T.D. JakesDallas TX 17000 NONDENOM Christ Fellowship
Tom MullinsPalm Beach Gardens FL 16500 NONDENOM Phoenix First Assembly of God
Tommy BarnettPhoenix AZ 16000 AG Hopewell Missionary Baptist
William ShealsNorcross GA 16000 BAPT Calvary Chapel
Robert CoyFort Lauderdale FL 15921 CAL Central Christian Church
Jud WilhiteHenderson NV 15081 CHRISTIAN First Baptist Church
Jack SchaapHammond IN 15059 BAPT Harvest Christian Fellowship
Greg LaurieRiverside CA 15000 CAL World Changers Ministries
Creflo DollarCollege Park GA 15000 NONDENOM Prestonwood Baptist Church
Jack GrahamPlano TX 14975 SBC New Light Christian Center
I.V. HillardHouston TX 13500 NONDENOM Thomas Road Baptist Church
Jonathan FalwellLynchburg VA 13100 BAPT Christian Life Centre - Christian Cultural Center
A.R. BernardBrooklyn NY 13000 NONDENOM Calvary Chapel
Skip HeitzigAlbuquerque NM 13000 CAL New Birth Missionary Baptist
Eddie LongLithonia GA 13000 BAPT Community Bible Church
Robert EmmittSan Antonio TX 12646 NONDENOM Rock Church
Miles Mc PhersonSan Diego CA 12129 NONDENOM Christ's Church of the Valley
Donald WilsonPeoria AZ 12013 CHRISTIAN Faith Community Church
James ReeveWest Covina CA 12000 NONDENOM Eagle Brook Church
Bob MerrittWhite Bear Lake MN 11591 BGC Mclean Bible Church
Lon SolomonVienna VA 11512 NONDENOM Crossroads Community Church
Brian TomeCincinnati OH 11469 NONDENOM Calvary Community Church
J. Mark MartinPhoenix AZ 11433 CAL Gateway Church
Robert MorrisSouthlake TX 11295 NONDENOM Kensington Community Church
Steve AndrewsTroy MI 11099 NONDENOM Church On The Move
Willie GeorgeTulsa OK 11000 NONDENOM Brentwood Baptist
Joe RatliffHouston TX 11000 SBC Word of Faith International Christian Center
Keith ButlerSouthfield MI 11000 NONDENOM Calvary Chapel South Bay
Steve MaysGardena CA 10800 CAL Mariners Church
Kenton BeshoreIrvine CA 10700 NONDENOM Harvest Bible Chapel
James MacdonaldRolling Meadows IL 10691 NONDENOM Lake Pointe Baptist
Steve StroopeRockwall TX 10571 SBC Redemption World Outreach Center
Ron CarpenterGreenville SC 10550 IPHC Calvary Temple
Glen BerteauModesto CA 10515 AG Valley Bible Fellowship
Ron ViettiBakersfield CA 10500 NONDENOM The Rock And World Outreach Center
Jim and Deborah CobraeSan Bernardino CA 10454 NONDENOM First Baptist Church
Ronnie FloydSpringdale AR 10382 SBC Church of the Highlands
Chris HodgesBirmingham AL 10301 NONDENOM Faith Fellowship Ministries
David DemolaSayreville NJ 10300 NONDENOM Northland, A Church Distributed
Joel HunterLongwood FL 10263 NONDENOM Seacoast Christian Community Church
Greg SurrattMt. Pleasant SC 10050 NONDENOM Greater Saint Stephen Full Gospel Baptist
Paul MortonNew Orleans LA 10000 BAPT City of Refuge Church
Noel JonesGardena CA 10000 PAW First African Methodist Episcopal Church
John HunterLos Angeles CA 10000 AME Ebenezer Ame
Grainger BrowningFt. Washington MD 10000 AME Free Chapel Worship Center
Jentezen FranklinGainesville GA 10000 NONDENOM Cornerstone Church
John HageeSan Antonio TX 10000 NONDENOM Calvary Chapel of Melbourne
Mark BalmerMelbourne FL 10000 CAL Temple of Deliverance
Milton HawkinsMemphis TN 10000 COGIC Jubilee Christian Center
Dick BernalSan Jose CA 10000 NONDENOM James River A/G
John LindellOzark MO 10000 AG Calvary Chapel of Philadelphia
Joe FochtPhiladelphia PA 10000 CAL Mars Hill Bible Church
Rob BellGrandville MI 10000 NONDENOM Bayside Covenant Church
Ray JohnstonRoseville CA 9983 EC Church On The Way
Jim TolleVan Nuys CA 9869 4SQ Salem Baptist Church
James MeeksChicago IL 9800 BAPT Covenant Church
Mike HayesCarrollton TX 9765 NONDENOM Abundant Living Faith Center
Charles NeimanEl Paso TX 9750 NONDENOM Church of the Resurrection
Adam HamiltonLeawood KS 9607 UMC Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa
Chuck Smith, SrSanta Ana CA 9500 CAL Northridge Church
Brad PowellPlymouth MI 9445 NONDENOM Ben Hill United Methodist
Mcallister HollinsAtlanta GA 9414 UMC New Spring Community Church
Perry NobleAnderson SC 9326 SBC Victory Christian Center Tulsa OK 9255 NONDENOM Bethel Baptist Instnl Chr
Rudolph W Mc Kissick SrJacksonville FL 9250 BAPT New York City Church of Christ Englewood Cliffs NJ 9213 COC Southland Christian Church
Jon WeeceLexington KY 9148 CHRISTIAN Glide Memorial United Methodist
Cecil WilliamsSan Francisco CA 9016 UMC Detroit World Outreach Center
Jack WallaceRedford MI 9000 AG Mount Zion Baptist Church
Joseph WalkerWhites Creek TN 9000 BAPT New Birth Baptist Church Miami FL 9000 BAPT Family Christian Center
Steve MunseyMunster IN 9000 NONDENOM Shepherd of the Hills
Dudley RutherfordPorter Ranch CA 8922 CHRISTIAN Saint John Baptist Church
Denny DavisGrand Prairie TX 8800 BAPT New Life Church
Brady BoydColorado Springs CO 8600 NONDENOM Sa-Rang Community Church
Jung-Hyun OhAnaheim CA 8600 New Hope Christian Fellowship
Wayne CordeiroHonolulu HI 8556 4SQ Flamingo Road Baptist Church
Troy GramlingCooper City FL 8500 SBC Lancaster County Bible Church
David AshcraftManheim PA 8500 NONDENOM Real Life Ministries
Jim PutmanPost Falls ID 8400 NONDENOM Oak Hills Church
Max LucadoSan Antonio TX 8356 NONDENOM Flatirons Community Church
Jim BurgenLafayette CO 8286 NONDENOM Vineyard Church of Columbus
Rich NathanWesterville OH 8000 VINE Times Square Church
Carter ConlonNew York City NY 8000 NONDENOM The Chapel
Knute LarsonAkron OH 8000 NONDENOM High Desert Church
Tom MercerVictorville CA 8000 BAPT Brooklyn Tabernacle
Jim CymbalaBrooklyn NY 8000 NONDENOM Beacon Light Baptist Cathedral New Orleans LA 8000 BAPT Central Church of God
Loran LivingstonCharlotte NC 8000 COG Calvary Chapel
Robert FurrowTucson AZ 8000 CAL Saint Stephens Baptist Church
Kevin CosbyLouisville KY 8000 BAPT Shoreline Christian Center
Rob KokeAustin TX 8000 NONDENOM Friendship West Baptist Church
Frederick HaynesDallas TX 8000 BAPT Bethany World Prayer Center
Larry StockstillBaker LA 8000 NONDENOM Cedarcreek Community Church
Lee PowellPerrysburg OH 8000 NONDENOM Mt. Paran Church of God
David CooperAtlanta GA 7850 COG Victory Christian Center
Mark CrowOklahoma City OK 7800 NONDENOM First Assembly of God
Randy ValimontGriffin GA 7780 AG First United Methodist Church -- Marietta
Joe PeabodyMarietta GA 7776 UMC Cedar Creek Church
Phillip LeeAiken SC 7734 NONDENOM Central Christian Church
Cal JerniganMesa AZ 7585 CHRISTIAN Allen A.M.E. Church
Floyd FlakeJamaica NY 7500 AME Church of the Good Shepherd
Fernando RamirezSan Diego CA 7500 NONDENOM Inspiring Body of Christ Church
Rickie RushDallas TX 7500 NONDENOM The Fountain of Praise
Remus WrightHouston TX 7500 BAPT First Baptist Church
Mac BrunsonJacksonville FL 7500 SBC Calvary Chapel Golden Springs
Raul RiesDiamond Bar CA 7500 CAL Resurrection Life Church
Dwayne KlokGrandville MI 7500 NONDENOM Jericho City of Praise Landover MD 7500 BAPT Trinity United Church of Christ
Jeremiah WrightChicago IL 7500 Lutheran Church of Hope
Mike HousholderWest Des Moines IA 7484 ELCA North Coast Church
Larry OsborneVista CA 7443 EF 12Stone Church
Kevin MyersLawrenceville GA 7410 WES Mars Hill Fellowship
Mark DriscollSeattle WA 7343 NONDENOM Hope Presbyterian Church
Craig StricklandCordova TN 7330 EPC Word of Faith Family Worship Center
Dale BronnerEast Point GA 7300 NONDENOM Heartland Community Church
Mike BreauxRockford IL 7274 Faithful Central Missionary Baptist Church
Kenneth UlmerInglewood CA 7250 BAPT Celebration Church
Stovall WeemsJacksonville FL 7218 NONDENOM Eastern Star Baptist Church
Jeffrey JohnsonIndianapolis IN 7200 BAPT Healing Place Church - Trinity Chrisitian Center
Dino RizzoBaton Rouge LA 7200 NONDENOM The City Church
Judah SmithKirkland WA 7155 NONDENOM Campus Church
Neal JacksonPensacola FL 7000 CHRISTIAN First Baptist Church of Orlando
David UthOrlando FL 7000 SBC Granger Community Church
Mark BeesonGranger IN 7000 UMC Calvary Revival Church
Courtney McbathNorfolk VA 7000 NONDENOM Emmanuel Faith Community Church
Dennis KeatingEscondido CA 7000 NONDENOM First Baptist Church of Glenarden
John JenkinsLandover MD 7000 BAPT Cathedral of Faith
Kenny ForemanSan Jose CA 7000 NONDENOM Elmbrook Church
Lawrenz MelBrookfield WI 7000 NONDENOM Calvary Chapel
Jeff JohnsonDowney CA 7000 CAL Grace Community Church
John MacarthurSun Valley CA 7000 NONDENOM Los Angeles International Church / Angelus Temple
Matthew BarnettLos Angeles CA 7000 4SQ Fellowship Bible Church
Chip JacksonLowell AR 7000 NONDENOM Windsor Village United Methodist Church
Kirbyjon CaldwellHouston TX 7000 UMC Bible Way Church of Atlas Road
Darrell JacksonColumbia SC 7000 NONDENOM Hillside Christian Church
Tommy PolitzAmarillo TX 7000 NONDENOM Jubilee Christian Church
Gilbert ThompsonBoston MA 7000 NONDENOM Cascade United Methodist Church Atlanta GA 7000 UMC First Baptist Church, Woodstock
Johnny HuntWoodstock GA 6919 SBC Christ United Methodist Church
Bill BouknightMemphis TN 6909 UMC Church of the Redeemer
Dale O’ShieldsGaithersburg MD 6800 NONDENOM Brookland Baptist Church
Charles JacksonWest Columbia SC 6800 BAPT Living Word Christian Center
Mac HammondBrooklyn Park MN 6680 NONDENOM Brookwood Community Church
Perry DuggarSimpsonville SC 6651 SBC Elizabeth Baptist Church
Craig OliverAtlanta GA 6620 BAPT Bellevue Baptist Church
Steve GainesCordova TN 6567 SBC Victory World Church
Dennis RouseNorcross GA 6530 NONDENOM Pinelake Baptist Church
Chip HendersonBrandon MS 6514 SBC Apostolic Church of God
Arthur BrazierChicago IL 6500 PAW Maranatha Chapel
Ray BentleySan Diego CA 6500 CAL Voices of Faith Ministries
Gary Hawkins,Stone Mountain GA 6500 SBC Life Center Ministries
J. WileyNew Orleans LA 6500 NONDENOM Trinity Chapel Church of God
Jim BolinPowder Springs GA 6500 COG Legacy Church
Steve SmothermonAlbuquerque NM 6500 NONDENOM Champions Centre
Kevin And Sheila GeraldTacoma WA 6500 NONDENOM Saint Paul's Baptist Church
Lance WatsonRichmond VA 6488 BAPT Custer Road UMC
Paul GoodrichPlano TX 6411 UMC Calvary Chapel
David RosalesChino CA 6400 CAL Church of the Servant
Norman NeevesOklahoma City OK 6372 UMC Vineyard Community Church
Dave WorkmanCincinnati OH 6300 VINE Cherry Hills Community Church
Jim DixonHighlands Ranch CO 6250 EPC Lincoln Berean Church
Bryan ClarkLincoln NE 6200 NONDENOM Brentwood Baptist Church
Mike GlennBrentwood TN 6130 SBC New Direction Christian Church
Stacy SpencerMemphis TN 6125 DOC Revival Christian Fellowship
Gary GalbraithMenifee CA 6100 CAL Timberline Church
Dary NorthropFort Collins CO 6022 AG North Coast Calvary Chapel
Nora WrightCarlsbad CA 6020 CAL Crossroads Christian Church
Barry McmurtrieCorona CA 6005 CHRISTIAN Mecklenburg Community Church
Jim WhiteCharlotte NC 6000 NONDENOM Bethany Baptist Church
Bishop David EvansLindenwold NJ 6000 NONDENOM Scottsdale Bible Church
Jamie RasmussenScottsdale AZ 6000 NONDENOM Acts Full Gospel Church
Bob JacksonOakland CA 6000 COGIC Grace Community Church
Dave RodriguezNoblesville IN 6000 EF Community of Faith
James DixonHouston TX 6000 NONDENOM The Church Without Walls (Brookhollow Baptist Church)
Ralph Douglass WestHouston TX 6000 BAPT Centre Street Church
Henry SchorrCalgary AB 6000 NONDENOM Saint Louis Family Church
Jeff PerryChesterfield MO 6000 NONDENOM Metropolitan Baptist
H. Beecher HicksWashington DC 6000 PNB Set Free Christian Fellowship
Phil AguilarBuena Park CA 6000 NONDENOM World Outreach Church
G. Allen JacksonMurfreesboro TN 6000 NONDENOM First Evangelical Free Church
Dale BurkeFullerton CA 6000 EF Living Hope Church
John BishopVancouver WA 6000 NONDENOM First Baptist Church
Charles StanleyAtlanta GA 6000 SBC North Heights Lutheran Church
Patricia OseRoseville MN 6000 LUTH Beaverton Foursquare Church
Randy RemingtonBeaverton OR 6000 4SQ Crossroads Community Church
Bill RitchieVancouver WA 6000 CAL Young Nak Presbyterian Church
Hyon Chung RimLos Angeles CA 6000 KPCA University Park Baptist Church
Claude Alexander, Jr.Charlotte NC 6000 BGC Savannah Christian Church
Cam HuxfordSavannah GA 5917 CHRISTIAN First Assembly of God, Ft. Myers
Dan BetzerFort Myers FL 5916 AG Christian Faith Center
Casey TreatSeattle WA 5909 NONDENOM Mt Olivet Lutheran Church
Paul YoungdahlMinneapolis MN 5900 ELCA Woodside Bible Church
Doug SchmidtTroy MI 5900 NONDENOM Bay Area Fellowship
Bil CorneliusCorpus Christi TX 5843 SBC New Life Church
Rick BezetConway AR 5800 NONDENOM Shadow Mountain Community Church
David JeremiahEl Cajon CA 5750 SBC Ada Bible Church
Jeff ManionAda MI 5634 NONDENOM New Venture Christian Fellowship
Shawn MitchellOceanside CA 5550 NONDENOM Crossroads Community Church
Tim ArmstrongMansfield OH 5500 NONDENOM Hebron Baptist Church
Larry WynnDacula GA 5500 SBC Woodmen Valley Chapel
Matt HeardColorado Springs CO 5500 NONDENOM Grace Community Church
Steve RiggleHouston TX 5500 NONDENOM Faith Bible Chapel
George MorrisonArvada CO 5500 NONDENOM Grace Church
Troy DobbsEden Prairie MN 5500 NONDENOM Mt Ephraim Baptist Church
R. WhiteAtlanta GA 5400 NBC Living Hope Church
John BishopVancouver WA 5300 NONDENOM Fellowship Bible Church
Brad HerndonLittle Rock AR 5300 NONDENOM Grace Ministries International church
Paul Kihong HanFullerton CA 5200 KPCA Crossroads Cathedral
Daniel SchaefferOklahoma City OK 5200 AG Hope Community Church
Mike LeeRaleigh NC 5100 NONDENOM Mount Pisgah Church
Allen HuntAlpharetta GA 5100 UMC Church on the Rock
David BluntSt. Peters MO 5000 NONDENOM Ward African Methodist Episcopal Church
C. Dennis WilliamsLos Angeles CA 5000 AME Greater St. Paul Baptist Church
Joseph SimmonsOakland CA 5000 BAPT The Living Word Bible Church
Thomas AndersonMesa AZ 5000 NONDENOM Crenshaw Christian Center
Fred PriceLos Angeles CA 5000 NONDENOM Champion Forest Baptist
Damon ShookHouston TX 5000 SBC Christian Life Center
Nathaniel HaneyStockton CA 5000 UPCI Park Cities Presbyterian Church
Skip RyanDallas TX 5000 PRESB Crystal Cathedral
Sheila Schuller ColemanGarden Grove CA 5000 RCA Cornerstone Christian Fellowship
Linn WintersChandler AZ 5000 BGC Life Center
Dean CurryTacoma WA 5000 AG The Word Church
R. A. VernonWarrensville Heights OH 5000 NONDENOM World Harvest Church
Rod ParsleyColumbus OH 5000 NONDENOM From The Heart Church Ministries
John CherryTemple Hills MD 5000 NONDENOM Heritage Christian Center
Dennis LeonardDenver CO 5000 NONDENOM Greater Mt. Calvary Holy Church
Alfred OwensWashington DC 5000 PENT First Baptist Church Houston
Gregg MatteHouston TX 5000 SBC East Hill Church
Ted RobertsGresham OR 5000 4SQ Fellowship Bible Church North
Jeff JonesPlano TX 5000 NONDENOM Mount Zion
Loren CovarrubiasClarkston MI 5000 NONDENOM Hickory Grove Baptist
Joe BrownCharlotte NC 5000 SBC Saint Philip A.M.E. Church
George MooreAtlanta GA 5000 AME Denton Bible Church
Tom NelsonDenton TX 5000 NONDENOM Calvary Christian Center
Phillip GoudeauxSacramento CA 5000 NONDENOM Word of Life Christian Center Honolulu HI 5000 PENT Calvary Assembly of God Church
George CopeWinter Park FL 5000 AG Christian Faith Fellowship Church
Darrell HinesMilwaukee WI 5000 COGIC Hartford Memorial Bapt. Church
Charles AdamsDetroit MI 5000 NBC Rock Church
Anne GimenezVirginia Beach VA 5000 NONDENOM Christian Faith Center
Mack TimberlakeCreedmoor NC 5000 NONDENOM Without Walls International Place
Randy WhiteTampa FL 5000 NONDENOM Horizon Christian Fellowship
Mike MacintoshSan Diego CA 5000 CAL Benny Hinn Ministries
Benny HinnIrving TX 5000 NONDENOM Abundant Living Family Church
Diego MesaRancho Cucamonga CA 5000 NONDENOM Germantown Baptist
Sam ShawGermantown TN 5000 SBC Faith World
Clint BrownOrlando FL 5000 NONDENOM Wooddale Church
Leith AndersonEden Prairie MN 4915 BGC Mt. Ararat Baptist Church
William CurtisPittsburgh PA 4800 BAPT International Church of Las Vegas
Paul GouletLas Vegas NV 4800 AG Northwest Baptist Church Miami FL 4800 Sheffield Family Life Center
George WestlakeKansas City MO 4800 AG Green Acres Baptist Church
David DykesTyler TX 4718 SBC Evangel World Prayer Center
Bob RogersLouisville KY 4706 AG Calvary Church
Randal RossNaperville IL 4700 AG Northside Christian Church
George RossNew Albany IN 4607 CHRISTIAN Saint Luke "Community" United Methodist Church
Tyrone GordonDallas TX 4607 UMC Calvary Baptist Church
Al GilbertWinston Salem NC 4600 SBC Sagemont Baptist Church
John MorganHouston TX 4556 SBC Trinity Fellowship
Jimmy EvansAmarillo TX 4500 NONDENOM East Valley Bible Church
Tom ShraderGilbert AZ 4500 Perfecting Church
Marvin WinansDetroit MI 4500 Sunrise Church
Jay PankratzRialto CA 4500 NONDENOM Calvary Church
Jim SamraGrand Rapids MI 4500 NONDENOM Lenexa Christian Center
Mike PurkeyLenexa KS 4500 AG Calvary Chapel of Old Bridge
Lloyd PulleyOld Bridge NJ 4500 CAL Mckinney Memorial Bible Church
Ken HortonFort Worth TX 4500 NONDENOM Korean Central Presbyterian Church
Chang Soo RoCentreville VA 4500 KPCA Faith Baptist Church of Waterford
Jim CombsWaterford MI 4500 NONDENOM Willingdon Church
Carlin WeinhauerBurnaby BC 4500 Mount Pleasant Church And Ministries
Clifford JohnsonBaltimore MD 4500 NONDENOM Living Word Christian Center
William WinstonForest Park IL 4500 Calvary Chapel Kendall
Pedro GarciaMiami FL 4500 CAL Cross Timbers Community Church
Toby SloughArgyle TX 4500 NONDENOM Greater Grace Temple
Charles EllisDetroit MI 4500 PAW Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship Church
Anthony EvansDallas TX 4500 NONDENOM Lake Providence Missionary Baptist Church
H. MaxwellNashville TN 4500 BAPT The Peoples Church
George JohnsonFresno CA 4500 AG Long Hollow Baptist Church
David LandrithHendersonville TN 4500 SBC Braeswood Assembly of God
Stephen BanningHouston TX 4500 AG Crossroads Church of Denver
Tom StipeWheat Ridge CO 4500 CAL Colorado Community Church
Robert GelinasEnglewood CO 4500 NONDENOM Idlewild Baptist Church
Ken WhittenTampa FL 4500 SBC Seacoast Grace Church
Doyle SurrattCypress CA 4500 NONDENOM Yorba Linda Friends Church
Matthew CorkYorba Linda CA 4410 Templo Calvario Assembly of God
Daniel LeonSanta Ana CA 4400 AG The Woodlands United Methodist Church
Ed RobbThe Woodlands TX 4400 UMC Perimeter Church
Randy PopeDuluth GA 4400 PCA Biltmore Baptist Church
Bruce FrankArden NC 4400 SBC Morning Star Christian Chapel
Jack AbeelenWhittier CA 4400 CAL Word of Grace
Gary KinnamanMesa AZ 4400 Turner Chapel Ame Church
Kenneth MarcusMarietta GA 4400 AME First Baptist Church of Oviedo
Dwayne MercerOviedo FL 4300 SBC Canyon Ridge Christian - Apex
Kevin OdorLas Vegas NV 4300 CHRISTIAN First Baptist Concord
Doug SagerKnoxville TN 4300 SBC Bethel Korean Church
Peter SohnIrvine CA 4300 CMA Bent Tree Bible Fellowship Church
Pete BriscoeCarrollton TX 4250 Woodland Hills Church
Greg BoydMaplewood MN 4200 BAPT First Assembly of God
Rick RossConcord NC 4200 AG Hill Country Bible Church Northwest
Tim HawksAustin TX 4200 NONDENOM Xenos Christian Fellowship
Delashmutt/MccallumColumbus OH 4200 NONDENOM New Hope Church
Stephen GooldNew Hope MN 4200 EF Grace Outreach Church
Gerald BrooksPlano TX 4200 NONDENOM Mount Hope Church
David WilliamsLansing MI 4186 AG Christ United Methodist Church
Jeff SpillerMobile AL 4108 UMC Crossings Community Church
Martin GrubbsOklahoma City OK 4100 NONDENOM Vineyard Christian Fellowship of North Phoenix
Brian AndersonGlendale AZ 4100 VINE Cornerstone Fellowship
Steve MadsenLivermore CA 4100 NONDENOM Enon Tabernacle Baptist Church
Alyn WallerPhiladelphia PA 4100 BAPT Redeemer Presbyterian Church
Tim KellerNew York NY 4017 PCA Allen Temple Baptist Church
J. Alfred SmithOakland CA 4000 PNB First Baptist -- Snellville Snellville GA 4000 SBC Connection Pointe Christian Church
Steven ReevesBrownsburg IN 4000 CHRISTIAN First Church of God
Timothy ClarkeColumbus OH 4000 COGA The Guiding Light Church
Jim LoweBirmingham AL 4000 Jesus Fellowship
Rick PattersonMiami FL 4000 NONDENOM Cornerstone Church
Sergio De La MoraSan Diego CA 4000 NONDENOM Castle Hills First Baptist
George HarrisSan Antonio TX 4000 SBC Hosanna Lutheran Church
Bill BohlineLakeville MN 4000 ELCA Trinity Baptist Church Richmond VA 4000 BAPT Frazer Memorial United Methodist Church
Jim Carpenter interim pastorMontgomery AL 4000 UMC Westside Family Church
Dan SoutherlandShawnee KS 4000 SBC First Family Church
Jerry JohnstonOverland Park KS 4000 NONDENOM Calvary Community Church
Brad JohnsonWestlake Village CA 4000 Antioch Missionary Baptist Church of Carol City
Arthur JacksonCarol City FL 4000 BAPT Straight Gate International Church
Andrew MerrittDetroit MI 4000 NONDENOM Community Christian Church
Dave FergusonNaperville IL 4000 CHRISTIAN Family Worship Center
Don SwaggartBaton Rouge LA 4000 NONDENOM Cornerstone Church
Michael S PittsToledo OH 4000 Deliverance Evangelistic Church
Benjamin SmithPhiladelphia PA 4000 UNK Metro Christian Fellowship
Michael SullivanKansas City MO 4000 Water of Life
Dan CarrollFontana CA 4000 NONDENOM Man's Authentic Nature
Eric PedersonLoveland OH 4000 NONDENOM Spanish River Church
David NicholasBoca Raton FL 4000 PCA Elevation Church
Steven FurtickIndian Trail NC 4000 NONDENOM Second Baptist Church
John MarshallSpringfield MO 4000 SBC Capital Christian Center
Ken WildeMeridian ID 4000 NONDENOM Saint Peters United Methodist Church Katy TX 4000 UMC First Baptist Church North Augusta SC 4000 SBC The People's Community Baptist Church
Haywood Robinson IIISilver Spring MD 4000 BAPT Christ Church
L.H. HardwickNashville TN 4000 NONDENOM The Temple of Praise
Glen StaplesWashington DC 4000 NONDENOM Ginghamsburg Church
Michael SlaughterTipp City OH 4000 UMC Stonebriar Community Church
Chuck SwindollFrisco TX 4000 NONDENOM Pleasant Grove Miss Baptist
Charles JacksonHouston TX 4000 UNK First Baptist Church of Central Florida
Clayton CloerOrlando FL 4000 SBC Bethel's Family
Walter AugustHouston TX 4000 BAPT Abyssinian Baptist Church
Calvin ButtsHarlem NY 4000 NBC Kingwood United Methodist Church Humble TX 4000 UMC Hillvue Heights Church
Steve AyersBowling Green KY 4000 NONDENOM Franklin Avenue Baptist Church
Fred LuterNew Orleans LA 4000 BAPT Saint Peters World Outreach Center Winston Salem NC 4000 NONDENOM Calvary Chapel of Modesto
Damian KyleModesto CA 4000 CAL Riverbend Church
Gerald MannAustin TX 4000 SBC New Heights Church
Keith KrellVancouver WA 4000 Harvest Time Tabernacle Church Fort Smith AR 4000 NONDENOM Sevier Heights Baptist Church
Hollie MillerKnoxville TN 4000 SBC Bayside Baptist Church Harrison TN 4000 SBC Eastlake Community Church
Mike MeeksChula Vista CA 4000 NONDENOM Christ Universal Temple
Johnnie ColemanChicago IL 4000 NONDENOM Wherehouse Christian Ministries
Louis NeelySacramento CA 4000 NONDENOM Church At Brook Hills
Rick OusleyBirmingham AL 4000 NONDENOM Ark Family Church
Alan ClaytonConroe TX 4000 NONDENOM Cottonwood Christian Center
Bayless ConleyLos Alamitos CA 4000 Lake Ridge United Methodist Church Lubbock TX 4000 UMC Prince of Peace Lutheran
Michael FossBurnsville MN 4000 ELCA Valley Cathedral Church
Dan ScottPhoenix AZ 4000 NONDENOM Mt. Sharon Baptist Church Philadelphia PA 4000 BAPT East 91St. Street Christian Church
Derek DuncanIndianapolis IN 4000 CHRISTIAN Church of the Presentation
Dennis CorcoranUpper Saddle River NJ 4000 Richland Hills Church of Christ
Rick AtchleyFort Worth TX 3911 NONDENOM Christ's Church of the Valley
Chuck BooherSan Dimas CA 3800 CHRISTIAN Rock Harbor Church
Keith PageCosta Mesa CA 3800 NONDENOM Beulahland Bible Church
Maurice WatsonMacon GA 3800 MISSBAPT -NBC Sunshine Community Church
Brian BosscherGrand Rapids MI 3800 CRC First Baptist Church
Steve GainesGardendale AL 3800 SBC Vino-Nuevo de El Paso
Chris RichardsEl Paso TX 3700 NONDENOM White's Chapel Methodist Church
John MckellarSouthlake TX 3700 UMC Calvary Chapel of Boston
Randy CahillRockland MA 3700 CAL Higher Dimension Church
Terrance H. JohnsonHouston TX 3700 NONDENOM Briarwood Presbyterian Church
Harry ReederBirmingham AL 3700 PCA Change Point
Dan JarrellAnchorage AK 3700 NONDENOM People's Church
Scott EricksonSalem OR 3678 AG Mandarin Christian Church
Dennis BrattonJacksonville FL 3612 Bethel Church
Dave BechtelRichland WA 3600 Community Bible Church
Beau AdamsStockbridge GA 3600 NONDENOM Desert Vineyard
David ParkerLancaster CA 3600 VINE Love International Ministries
Juan RamosPhoenix AZ 3600 NONDENOM Church of the Open Door
David JohnsonMaple Grove MN 3600 Grove Baptist Church Portsmouth VA 3600 BAPT Pleasant Valley Baptist Church
Vernon ArmitageLiberty MO 3585 SBC Crossroads Christian Church
Ken IdlemenEvansville IN 3550 CHRISTIAN Capital Christian Center
Rick ColeSacramento CA 3542 AG Radiant Church
Lee McfarlandSurprise AZ 3524 AG Community Christian Church
Tim BakkerRomeoville IL 3500 San Diego Church of Christ
Guillermo AdamsSan Diego CA 3500 ICC Cathedral of the Cross
Mark CorrellBirmingham AL 3500 AG Mount Olive Baptist Church
Mack CarterFort Lauderdale FL 3500 BAPT Westwood Community Church
Joel JohnsonExcelsior MN 3500 BGC Lake Avenue Church
Greg WaybrightPasadena CA 3500 CCCC First Baptist Church/Church At The Mall
Jay DennisLakeland FL 3500 SBC San Francisco Church of Christ
Russ EwellBurlingame CA 3500 ICC Christ Church
David IrelandMontclair NJ 3500 NONDENOM Good Shepherd Community Church
Stuart WeberBoring OR 3500 NONDENOM Healing Word
Neville McdonaldTustin CA 3500 NONDENOM Countryside Christian Center
John LloydClearwater FL 3500 West Ridge Church
Brian BloyeDallas GA 3500 SBC Christ The King Community Church
Grant FishbookBellingham WA 3500 NONDENOM The Village Church
Matt ChandlerHighland Village TX 3500 NONDENOM Liberty Temple Full Gospel
Clifford TurnerChicago IL 3500 The Austin Stone Community Church
Matt CarterAustin TX 3500 SBC First Assembly of God
Wayde GoodallWinston Salem NC 3500 AG Lincoln Heights Missionary Baptist Church
Elliott CuffCincinnati OH 3500 BAPT Word of Life Church
Brian ZahndSt. Joseph MO 3500 NONDENOM Christian House of Prayer
Nathaniel HolcombCopperas Cove TX 3500 Cottage Hill Baptist Church
Keith ThompsonMobile AL 3500 SBC Westover Church
Don MillerGreensboro NC 3500 NONDENOM The Village Church
Matt ChandlerHighland Village TX 3500 SBC Overlake Christian Church
Rick KinghamRedmond WA 3500 CHRISTIAN Hunter Street Baptist Church
Buddy GrayHoover AL 3500 SBC First Baptist Church Merritt Island FL 3500 SBC Coast Hills Community Church
Ken BaughAliso Viejo CA 3500 NONDENOM Christ Community Church
James NicodemSaint Charles IL 3500 Rock of Ages Baptist Church
Marvin E WileyMaywood IL 3500 BAPT Shiloh Metropolitan Baptist
Darrell GilyardJacksonville FL 3500 BAPT Park Cities Baptist Church
James DenisonDallas TX 3500 SBC Celebration Covenant Church
Keith CraftFrisco TX 3500 NONDENOM Glory Church of Jesus Christ Los Angeles CA 3500 NONDENOM First Baptist Church
Mac BrunsonDallas TX 3500 SBC Southwest Community Church
Bob ThuneIndian Wells CA 3500 EF Orchard Road Christian Ctr
Wallace HickeyDenver CO 3500 NONDENOM First Baptist Spartanburg
Don WiltonSpartanburg SC 3500 SBC Bible Way Temple
James SilverWashington DC 3500 Northwoods Community Church
Calvin RychenerPeoria IL 3500 NONDENOM Cross Point Community Church
Pete WilsonNashville TN 3500 NONDENOM Liberty Church
Walter HendersonPensacola FL 3500 Shadow Hills Baptist
Michael RochelleLas Vegas NV 3500 BAPT Family Worship Center
Reggie ScarboroughLakeland FL 3500 NONDENOM First Baptist Church
John MeadorEuless TX 3500 SBC Bethel Ame Church
Frank ReidBaltimore MD 3500 AME Mcgregor Baptist Church
Richard PowellFort Myers FL 3500 SBC Friendly Temple Missionary Baptist Church
Michael JonesSaint Louis MO 3500 MISSBAPT -NBC Rock City Church
Bart PierceBaltimore MD 3500 NONDENOM Grove City Church of the Nazarene
Mark FullerGrove City OH 3437 NAZ Loma Linda University Church
Rady RobertsLoma Linda CA 3400 Triumph Church
Solomon Kinloch, Jr.Detroit MI 3400 BAPT Central Baptist Church
Ron PhillipsHixson TN 3400 SBC First Baptist Church
David UthWest Monroe LA 3400 SBC Grace Brethren Church
Rick NuzumPowell OH 3400 COC Alpha & Omega Church
Alberto DelgadoMiami FL 3400 NONDENOM Grace Family Church
Craig AltmanLutz FL 3350 Adventure Christian Church
Rick StedmanRoseville CA 3317 CHRISTIAN Eastview Christian Church
Mike BakerNormal IL 3309 CHRISTIAN Arlington Christian Church
Barry CameronArlington TX 3300 NONDENOM Hales Cornes Lutheran Church
Mike ErnstHales Corners WI 3300 LCMS Shandon Baptist Church
Mark FisherColumbia SC 3300 SBC The Chapel
Scott ChapmanGrayslake IL 3300 Calvary Community Church
Ray ArmstrongSumner WA 3300 Hopepark Church
David PerezNashville TN 3300 NONDENOM Word Alive International Outreach
Kent MattoxOxford AL 3300 NONDENOM Rolling Hills Community Church
Dale EbelTualatin OR 3300 NONDENOM Eastside Christian Church
Gene AppelFullerton CA 3300 CHRISTIAN First Baptist Church
Ed Stetzer, InterimHendersonville TN 3300 SBC Northview Christian Life
Steve PoeCarmel IN 3300 NONDENOM Calvary Chapel
Ed ReaRedlands CA 3300 CAL Asbury United Methodist Church
Tom HarrisonTulsa OK 3300 UMC Calvary Church
Terry SandersonSaint Peters MO 3250 EF The River of Life Church
Lee PacePhoenix AZ 3250 Central Christian Church
David WelshWichita KS 3246 CHRISTIAN Bell Shoals Baptist Church
Stephen RummageBrandon FL 3200 SBC Rehoboth Baptist Church
Richard LeeTucker GA 3200 SBC Trinity Church
Brad MitchellLansing MI 3200 NONDENOM Covenant Life Church
Joshua HarrisGaithersburg MD 3200 NONDENOM Calvary Church
John MunroCharlotte NC 3200 NONDENOM Menlo Park Presbyterian Church
John OrtbergMenlo Park CA 3200 PCUSA First Baptist Church
Ty DaughtrySunnyvale TX 3200 SBC New Christian Valley Church
H. Daniel WilsonSouth Holland IL 3200 NONDENOM Life Center
Joe WittwerSpokane WA 3200 4SQ Fielder Road Baptist Church
Gary SmithArlington TX 3200 SBC First Redeemer Church
Richard LeeCumming GA 3200 SBC Bayside Christian Fellowship
Arni JacobsonGreen Bay WI 3200 NONDENOM Destiny Metropolitan Worship Church
Bryan CruteAtlanta GA 3200 NONDENOM University Presbyterian Church
Earl PalmerSeattle WA 3200 PCUSA Christ The King Community Church - Anacortes Community Church
Adam GrantMount Vernon WA 3190 New Salem Missionary Baptist
Frank E Ray SrMemphis TN 3150 MISSBAPT First Baptist of Pasadena
Charles RedmondPasadena TX 3150 SBC Rolling Hills Covenant Church
Byron MacdonaldRolling Hills Estates CA 3146 EC Metropolitan Baptist
Salvatore SbernaHouston TX 3128 SBC Providence Baptist Church
David HornerRaleigh NC 3100 SBC The Grove Community Church
Thomas LanceRiverside CA 3100 NONDENOM Faith Assembly of God
Carl StephensOrlando FL 3094 AG First Baptist Church of Lincoln Gardens
Deforest SoariesSomerset NJ 3000 ABC-NBC NBC-ABC Revival Center
Randy KeyesModesto CA 3000 UPC Upper Arlington Lutheran Church at Mill Run
David MannHilliard OH 3000 LUTH Northview Community Church Abbotsford BC 3000 Evangelical Free Church of Hershey
David MartinHershey PA 3000 EF Calvary Chapel of Vista
Rob SalvatoVista CA 3000 CAL Lifebridge Christian Church
Rick RusawLongmont CO 3000 CHRISTIAN Casas Church
Glenn BarteauTucson AZ 3000 SBC Fellowship Bible Church
Jeff SchulteBrentwood TN 3000 NONDENOM Victory Worship Center
Zane AndersonTucson AZ 3000 AG Church Of The Larger Fellowship
Jane Ranney RzepkaBoston MA 3000 Jersey Baptist Church
John HaysPataskala OH 3000 BAPT Grace Fellowship Church
Danny O’BrienTimonium MD 3000 NONDENOM Emmanuel Christian Center
Mark DenyesMinneapolis MN 3000 AG Saint Paul Baptist Church
Gregory MossCharlotte NC 3000 BAPT Loma Linda University Church of Seventh-day Adventists
Randy RobertsLoma Linda CA 3000 SDA Hoffmantown Church
Wayne BarberAlbuquerque NM 3000 SBC Canaan Baptist Church of Christ
Wyatt WalkerNew York City NY 3000 COC Faith Church
David and Nicole CrankSt. Louis MO 3000 NONDENOM Foothills Bible Church
Don McreveayLittleton CO 3000 NONDENOM Crossroads Church
Ken AdamsNewnan GA 3000 SBC Warsaw Community Church Warsaw IN 3000 NONDENOM Skyline Wesleyan Church
James GarlowLa Mesa CA 3000 WES Grace Korean Church
David KimFullerton CA 3000 New Salem Baptist Church
Keith TroyColumbus OH 3000 BAPT College Park Church
Mark VroegopIndianapolis IN 3000 NONDENOM Grace Chapel
Bryan WilkersonLexington MA 3000 NONDENOM Hampton Park Baptist Church
Drew ConleyGreenville SC 3000 BAPT Saint Lukes United Methodist
Kent MillardIndianapolis IN 3000 UMC Kingdom Church
Dharius DanielsTrenton NJ 3000 NONDENOM Korean Presbyterian Church Queens
Choon Chang YoungFlushing NY 3000 KPC The Summit Church
J.D. GreearDurham NC 3000 SBC City Bible Church
Frank DamazioPortland OR 3000 NONDENOM The Oriental Mission Church
Steve LeeLos Angeles CA 3000 Christian Life Ctr
Don WiltonSpartanburg SC 3000 Morning Star Community Church
Scott NelsonSalem OR 3000 CAL Eastside Foursquare Church
Jim HayfordBothell WA 3000 4SQ Bethlehem Baptist Church
John PiperMinneapolis MN 3000 BAPT Golden Gate Baptist Church
C.B.T. SmithDallas TX 3000 NBC Spirit of Faith Christian Center
Mike FreemanTemple Hills MD 3000 NONDENOM More Than Conquerors Faith Church
Steve GreenBirmingham AL 3000 NONDENOM Life Changers International Church
Gregory DickowHoffman Estates IL 3000 The House of the Lord
Joey JohnsonAkron OH 3000 NONDENOM The Chapel
Rick HawksFort Wayne IN 3000 NONDENOM Speak The Word Church International
Randy MorrisonGolden Valley MN 3000 NONDENOM Johnson Ferry Baptist Church
Bryant WrightMarietta GA 3000 SBC New Beginnings Christian Center
Larry HuchDallas TX 3000 NONDENOM Christ The Rock Community Church
Bon BarrCopper City FL 3000 Gloucester County Community Church
J. SofiaSewell NJ 3000 Grace Church
Jorge AcevedoCape Coral FL 3000 UMC Ward Evangelical Presbyterian Church
Scott McKeeNorthville MI 3000 EPC First Baptist Church
Ben CrossEugene OR 3000 BAPT Eastern Hills Wesleyan Church
Karl EastlackWilliamsville NY 3000 WES Southbrook Christian Church
Charlie McmahanCenterville OH 3000 CHRISTIAN First Church of God of Los Angeles
Gregory DixonInglewood CA 3000 COGA Hillside Chapel and Truth Center
Barbara KingAtlanta GA 3000 NONDENOM Meadowbrook Church
Tim GilliganOcala FL 3000 NONDENOM Fourth Presbyterian Church
Robert NorrisBethesda MD 3000 PCA Colonial Baptist Church
Stephen DaveyCary NC 3000 BAPT Faith Assembly of God
Ervin SteidingLothian MD 3000 AG Maryland Community Church
Vince MacfarlandTerre Haute IN 3000 Mount Bethel United Methodist Church
Randall MicklerMarietta GA 3000 UMC Bethel World Outreach Center
Rice BroocksBrentwood TN 3000 NONDENOM Fellowship Bible Church
Arthur VanderveenRoswell GA 3000 Atlanta Church of Christ
Don BurrowsAtlanta GA 3000 ICC Substance Church
Peter HaasRoseville MN 3000 NONDENOM Applegate Christian Fellowship
Jon CoursonJacksonville OR 3000 CAL Abundant Life Christian Center
Walter HallamLa Marque TX 3000 NONDENOM The Rock Church
Jerry DirmannAnaheim CA 3000 4SQ Calvary Chapel-Spring Valley Las Vegas NV 3000 CAL Memorial Baptist Church
Joe RichKilleen TX 3000 SBC Potter's House Christian Fellowship
Vaughn McLaughlinJacksonville FL 3000 NONDENOM Immanuel Baptist Church
Wayne ReynoldsHighland CA 3000 SBC Christian Life Center
Max YearyFort Lauderdale FL 3000 AG Mount Zion Baptist Church
George BrooksGreensboro NC 3000 BAPT Midwest Christian Center - Family Harvest Church
Doug BoettcherTinley Park IL 3000 Second Ebenezer Baptist Church Detroit MI 3000 BAPT Solid Rock Church
Laurence/Darlene BishopMonroe OH 3000 NONDENOM The Crossing Church
Greg DumasTampa FL 3000 SBC Greenforest Community Baptist Church
George MccalepDecatur GA 3000 SBC San Jose Church
Kirby GarnerAustin TX 3000 Calvary Lutheran Church
John HensrudGolden Valley MN 3000 LUTH Life Tabernacle
James KilgoreHouston TX 3000 UPC Calvary Temple
Paul MooneyIndianapolis IN 3000 UPC Full Faith Church of Love
Ernie GruenShawnee Mission KS 3000 NONDENOM Mountain Springs Church
Steve HoltColorado Springs CO 3000 NONDENOM Abundant Life Christian Centre
Rick ThomasMargate FL 3000 NONDENOM First Baptist Church/The Peoples Church
Rick WhiteFranklin TN 3000 SBC Windsor Crossing Community Church
Greg HolderChesterfield MO 3000 NONDENOM Highland Park United Methodist
Mark CraigDallas TX 3000 UMC Saint Mark Baptist Church
Steven ArnoldLittle Rock AR 3000 BAPT Journey Church
Clark MitchellNorman OK 3000 EC Longview Baptist Temple
Bob GrayLongview TX 3000 NONDENOM Wave Church
Steve KellyVirginia Beach VA 3000 NONDENOM Divine Faith International
Donald BattleJonesboro GA 3000 NONDENOM First Baptist Church
Mel BlackabyJonesboro GA 3000 SBC Resurrection Fellowship
John StockerLoveland CO 3000 NONDENOM Antioch Baptist Church Atlanta GA 3000 NBC First Baptist Church Indian Rocks
Jeff ParishLargo FL 3000 SBC Northwest Church
Naida DostalFresno CA 3000 Integrity Church International
Jean ThompsonLandover MD 3000 NONDENOM Broadmoor Baptist Church
Chuck PourciauShreveport LA 3000 SBC First Baptist Church, Elk Grove
Don LoomerElk Grove CA 3000 ABC Eugene Faith Center
Steve OvermanEugene OR 3000 4SQ Mile Hi Church
Roger TeelLakewood CO 3000 RELSCI Amarillo South Church
Brad SmallAmarillo TX 3000 NONDENOM White Rock Baptist Church
William ShawPhiladelphia PA 3000 BAPT Cascade Hills Baptist Church
Bill PurvisColumbus GA 3000 SBC New Birth Baptist Church
George W PryorDallas TX 3000 BAPT Grace Fellowship Church
Buddy HoffmanSnellville GA 3000 NONDENOM First Baptist Church of Plant City
Michael LewisPlant City FL 3000 SBC Community Christian Church
James CorbettGreenville NC 3000 Southwest Community
Gregg PatrickHouston TX 2970 SBC The Chapel
Jerry GillisBuffalo NY 2950 NONDENOM Christ The Rock Community Church
Dave Vande HeyMenasha WI 2900 NONDENOM Trinity Church International
Tom PetersLake Worth FL 2900 AG Henderson Hills Baptist Church
Dennis NewkirkEdmond OK 2900 SBC Victory Assembly of God
M. Wayne BlackburnLakeland FL 2900 AG Chapelwood United Methodist Church
Jim JacksonHouston TX 2900 UMC Grace Brethren Church of Columbus
Dave PlasterWorthington OH 2900 BRETHREN Ridgecrest Baptist Church Springfield MO 2900 SBC Greater St Matthew
Gusta BookerHouston TX 2900 SBC Southeast Christian Church
Todd HudsonParker CO 2900 CHRISTIAN Calvary Bible Church Kalamazoo MI 2859 NONDENOM Family Community Church
Bill BuchholzSan Jose CA 2850 AG Summit Christian Center
Rick GodwinSan Antonio TX 2834 COC Harvester Christian Church
Brian JobeSaint Charles MO 2822 CHRISTIAN Golden Hills Community Church
Larry AdamsBrentwood CA 2800 BGC The Pentecostals of Alexandria
Anthony MangunAlexandria LA 2800 UPC King of Kings Lutheran Church
Mark ZehnderOmaha NE 2800 LCMS First Presbyterian Church
Pil LeeTorrance CA 2800 PCUSA Allegheny Center Alliance Church
Rockwell DillamanPittsburgh PA 2800 CMA Indian Creek Christian Church
Gary JohnsonIndianapolis IN 2800 CHRISTIAN Santa Cruz Bible Church
Dave GschwendSanta Cruz CA 2800 NONDENOM North Valley Baptist Church
Jack TrieberSanta Clara CA 2800 BAPT First Cathedral
Leroy BaileyBloomfield CT 2800 NBC-ABC North Phoenix Baptist Church
Dan YearyPhoenix AZ 2800 SBC Collegedale Seventh-day Adventist Church
John NixonCollegedale TN 2800 SDA Memorial Road Church of Christ Edmond OK 2800 COC Cedar Springs Presbyterian Church
John WoodKnoxville TN 2800 PCA First Mt Zion Baptist Church Dumfries VA 2800 BAPT Christ Community Church
Robert ThuneOmaha NE 2800 CMA Grace Church Saint Louis
Ron TuckerMaryland Heights MO 2800 NONDENOM Crossroads Church
John SmithLoveland CO 2789 EC Chandler Christian Church
Roger StormsChandler AZ 2764 CHRISTIAN Stonegate Fellowship Midland TX 2750 SBC Metro International Church
Rick FountainBrooklyn NY 2750 NONDENOM Olive Baptist Church
Ted TraylorPensacola FL 2750 SBC Gospel Light Baptist Church
Bobby RobersonWalkertown NC 2750 BAPT Destiny Church
Eastman CurtisBroken Arrow OK 2750 NONDENOM Central Baptist Church
Monty HuntBryan TX 2750 SBC Nappanee Missionary Church
Dave EngbrechtNappanee IN 2746 First Baptist Church
Eric ThomasNorfolk VA 2735 SBC Orchard Hill Church
Kurt BjorklundWexford PA 2711 EF Victory Life Church Durant OK 2700 NONDENOM College Church of Christ
Barbie SmithSearcy AR 2700 COC Victory Assembly of God Church Lowellville OH 2700 AG Saint Andrews Lutheran Church
Roger EigenfeldMahtomedi MN 2700 ELCA Grace Baptist Church
Tom GivensSanta Clarita CA 2700 BGC Friendship Miss. Bapt. Church
Clifford JonesCharlotte NC 2700 NBC-ABC First United Methodist Church/Westchase
Peggy GilsonHouston TX 2700 UMC Heritage Church
John BrayRock Island IL 2700 WES Grace Community Church
Mark NormanFulton MD 2700 NONDENOM Immanuel Baptist Church
Charles BoswellWichita KS 2700 SBC First Assembly of God
Klayton KoKahului HI 2700 AG Riverland Hills Baptist Church
Ed CarneyColumbia SC 2700 BAPT Faith Christian Center
Keith Butler IISmyrna GA 2700 NONDENOM NewPointe Community Church
Dwight MasonDover OH 2700 NONDENOM River Tree Christian Church
Greg NettleMassillon OH 2700 CHRISTIAN Bethesda Christian Church
James BeallSterling Heights MI 2700 NONDENOM Cornwall Church
Audrey SwansonBellingham WA 2700 COGA Harvest Church of God
Jerry IrwinAnniston AL 2700 COG Bel Air Presbyterian Church
Mark BrewerLos Angeles CA 2663 PCUSA First Presbyterian Church
J. Ligon DuncanJackson MS 2650 PCA First Baptist Church
Bill SearsJackson MS 2650 SBC Sherwood Oaks Christian Church
Tom EllsworthBloomington IN 2633 CHRISTIAN New Hope Church
Timothy ListonPearland TX 2627 CHRISTIAN Calvary Church of Santa Ana
David MitchellSanta Ana CA 2600 CAL Oak Creek Assembly of God Church Oak Creek WI 2600 AG Christian Faith Fellowship Family Church
Joe MckelveyMiddletown NY 2600 NONDENOM Mountain Christian Church
Ben CachiarasJoppa MD 2600 CHRISTIAN Sixth Avenue Baptist Church
Al SuttonBirmingham AL 2600 BAPT Northside Christian Church
David RutherfordClovis CA 2600 CHRISTIAN The Heights Baptist Church
Gary SingletonRichardson TX 2600 SBC Christian Fellowship Church
David NiednagelEvansville IN 2600 NONDENOM Second Baptist Church Warner Robins GA 2600 SBC Evergreen Community Church
Mark DarlingBurnsville MN 2600 NONDENOM First Baptist Church
Richard JohnsonColumbia SC 2600 SBC Discovery Church
David LovelessOrlando FL 2600 NONDENOM Cathedral of Praise
Mike LewisCharleston SC 2600 NONDENOM Atlantic Shores Baptist Church Virginia Beach VA 2600 SBC Salem Alliance Church
John StumboSalem OR 2585 CMA Sugar Creek Baptist Church
Mark HartmanSugar Land TX 2574 SBC Valley Baptist Church
Richard ParadisBakersfield CA 2555 SBC Oak Pointe Church
Bob ShirockNovi MI 2550 NONDENOM Christian Worship Center
Steve PereaManteca CA 2510 AG University Family Fellowship Vineya Sparks NV 2500 VINE Valley Kingdom Ministries Intl
H. Daniel WilsonOak Forest IL 2500 NONDENOM Immanuel Baptist Church Little Rock AR 2500 SBC Iglesia Puerta Del Cielo
Marco AguirreEl Paso TX 2500 Saint Paul Community Baptist Church
Johnny Ray YoungbloodBrooklyn NY 2500 NONDENOM Langston Baptist Church
Randal JonesConway SC 2500 SBC Akron Baptist Temple
Charles BillingtonAkron OH 2500 NONDENOM Agincourt Pentecostal Church
Keith SmithToronto ON 2500 PAC Evangel Cathedral
Don MearsMitchellville MD 2500 NONDENOM Friendship Baptist Church
James CarringtonYorba Linda CA 2500 BAPT National Church of God
Stephen LoweryFt. Washington MD 2500 COG New Dimensions Christian Center
Greg BurnsPensacola FL 2500 NONDENOM Calvary Chapel of Saint Petersburg
Danny HodgesPinellas Park FL 2500 CAL Parkcrest Christian Church
Mike GoldsworthyLong Beach CA 2500 CHRISTIAN Eagle's Landing First Baptist Church
Tim DowdyMc Donough GA 2500 SBC Pacific Coast Church
Patrick KnaufSan Clemente CA 2500 Upper Arlington Lutheran Church
Jim WesselColumbus OH 2500 ELCA First Baptist Church
Roger FreemanClarksville TN 2500 SBC Englewood Baptist Church Jackson TN 2500 SBC Shiloh Baptist Church Dayton OH 2500 BAPT Abundant Life Church
George PowellHappy Valley OR 2500 CHRISTIAN Highland Church of Christ
Mike CopeAbilene TX 2500 COC First United Methodist
James BuskirkTulsa OK 2500 UMC Cathedral of Hope
Michael/Jo Piazza/HudsonDallas TX 2500 MCC/UCC Agape International Center For Truth
Michael BeckwithCulver City CA 2500 RELSCI New Song Community Church
Dave GibbonsIrvine CA 2500 EC Beaverton Christian Church
Clark TannerBeaverton OR 2500 CHRISTIAN Beulah Alliance Church
Keith TaylorEdmonton AB 2500 CMA Life Christian Center Saint Louis MO 2500 NONDENOM Hope Lutheran Church
Charles OlmsteadFargo ND 2500 ELCA First Baptist Church
Brian CoffeyGeneva IL 2500 BGC Westminster Chapel
Gary GulbransonBellevue WA 2500 NONDENOM Southwest Baptist Church Oklahoma City OK 2500 BBF Sweet Holy Spirit Church
Larry TrotterChicago IL 2500 UPCI Northwest Bible Church
Dianne MillerDallas TX 2500 Bay Leaf Baptist Church Raleigh NC 2500 SBC Gracepointe Church
Dan PainterNaperville IL 2500 NONDENOM Flatt Creek Baptist Church Fayetteville GA 2500 SBC Christ Gospel Church
Bernice R. HicksJeffersonville IN 2500 NONDENOM Atlanta Berean Seventh-day Adventist Church
Carlton P. ByrdAtlanta GA 2500 SDA Graceland Baptist Church
Steve MarcumNew Albany IN 2500 SBC Bellevue Christian
Gary HoytBellevue NE 2500 CHRISTIAN Lifechurch Silicon Valley
Doug BuronSan Jose CA 2500 4SQ Hope Chapel Kapolei
John HonoldEwa Beach HI 2500 4SQ Central Baptist Church
Susan QuiringCollege Station TX 2500 SBC Destiny Christian Center
Lee StokesGreensboro NC 2500 NONDENOM Forest Hill Presbyterian
David ChadwickCharlotte NC 2500 EPC Forest Lake Seventh-day Adventist Church
Derek MorrisApopka FL 2500 SDA University Park Church
Jeff WickwireFort Worth TX 2500 Hunter Hills Baptist Church Jamestown NC 2500 SBC Community Baptist Church - Journey of Faith
Glen MartinManhattan Beach CA 2500 BAPT East Brent Baptist Church Pensacola FL 2500 SBC Saint Agnes Baptist Church
Gene MooreHouston TX 2500 SBC Calvary Chapel
Allen RiggAustin TX 2500 CAL Calvary Church
Kerry JonesIrving TX 2500 CAL Montgomery Community Church
Tom LipseyCincinnati OH 2500 ABC The Crossing
Brett DetkenCosta Mesa CA 2500 NONDENOM Presbyterian Church of Toms River
David JoyntToms River NJ 2500 CRC Victory Church
Kenneth SamuelStone Mountain GA 2500 UCC/BAPT Liberty Churches
Will BardShrewsbury MA 2500 NONDENOM Calvary Chapel Boise
Bob CaldwellBoise ID 2500 CAL Pulaski Heights United Methodist Church
Victor NixonLittle Rock AR 2500 UMC Grace Fellowship Church
Rex KeenerLatham NY 2500 NONDENOM Woodlawn Pentecostal Church
James CarneyColumbia MS 2500 UPC Third Baptist Church San Francisco CA 2500 BAPT Pantego Bible Church
David DanielsFort Worth TX 2500 NONDENOM Trinity Church Interdenominational
Les BeauchampOmaha NE 2500 NONDENOM Crossroads Church
Phil PrintWoodbury MN 2500 EC Evangelical Free Church
Rick WagnerBloomington IL 2500 EF Greater Salem Baptist Church
Anthony GinwrightCharlotte NC 2500 BAPT Shades Mountain Baptist Church
Keith HabermasBirmingham AL 2500 SBC The Rock Family Worship Center
Rusty NelsonHuntsville AL 2500 NONDENOM Christ Tabernacle
Michael DursoGlendale NY 2500 NONDENOM Brentwood United Methodist Church
Howard OldsBrentwood TN 2500 UMC Bethel Missionary Baptist Church
R. HolmesTallahassee FL 2500 MISSBAPT Faith Baptist Church
Danny SinquefieldBartlett TN 2500 SBC The Next Level Church
Stefan KerrEnglewood CO 2500 NONDENOM Calvary Chapel of Grass Valley Grass Valley CA 2500 CAL Trinity Evangelical Free Church
Gary InrigRedlands CA 2500 EF Calvary Chapel Santa Barbara CA 2500 CAL Florence Avenue Foursquare Church
Terry RisserSanta Fe Springs CA 2500 4SQ Calvary Temple Christian Center
Mark JohnsonSpringfield IL 2500 AG Cornerstone Community Church
Ron ArmstrongWildomar CA 2500 Morningstar Fellowship
Rick JoynerFt. Mill SC 2500 NONDENOM Metropolitan Baptist Church
David JeffersonNewark NJ 2500 BAPT Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church
Alexis ThomasPhoenix AZ 2500 BAPT Pathway Community Church
Ron WilliamsFort Wayne IN 2500 North Metro First Baptist Church
Frank CoxLawrenceville GA 2500 SBC New Faith Church
T.R. WilliamsHouston TX 2500 Grace Community Church
Scott JonesTempe AZ 2500 NONDENOM New Beginnings Christian Center
Brad MakowskiPortland OR 2500 NONDENOM Revealing Truth Ministries
Greg PoweTampa FL 2500 NONDENOM Mt. Zion Baptist Church
Sam MckinneySeattle WA 2500 BAPT Truth Tabernacle
Vaughan MortonFresno CA 2500 UPC Saint Martin's Episcopal Church Houston TX 2500 EPIS Faith Family Church Victoria TX 2500 NONDENOM Dawson Memorial Baptist Church
Gary FentonBirmingham AL 2500 SBC Broadview Baptist Church
Clarence HopsonChicago IL 2500 BAPT Orange Hill Baptist Church
Jeff DavisAustell GA 2500 BAPT Cathedral Second Baptist Church
Deneice ReidPerth Amboy NJ 2500 SBC Trinity Church
Jim HennesyCedar Hill TX 2500 AG Wildwood Baptist Church Acworth GA 2500 SBC Grace Fellowship Church
Cissy JonesJohnson City TN 2500 First Baptist Church
Kenneth QuallsFlorence SC 2500 SBC Parkview Christian Church
Tim HarlowOrland Park IL 2500 CHRISTIAN Vineyard Church of Urbana
Happy LemanUrbana IL 2500 VINE Inland Hills Church Chino CA 2500 EVAN First Mount Olive Freewill Baptist Church
Oscar BrownBaltimore MD 2500 BAPT Bon Air Baptist Church
Travis CollinsRichmond VA 2500 SBC Rancho Community Church
Scott TreadwayTemecula CA 2500 NONDENOM Mount Olive Baptist Church
N.L. RobinsonArlington TX 2500 ABC Christian Heritage Church
Richard LedfordTallahassee FL 2500 NONDENOM The Falls Church
John YatesFalls Church VA 2500 ANGLICAN Carmel Baptist Church
Wayne PoplinMatthews NC 2500 SBC Full Gospel New York Church
Nam Soo KimFlushing NY 2496 AG Bandera Road Community Church
David SaathoffSan Antonio TX 2491 NONDENOM Mount Pleasant Christian Church
Chris PhilbeckGreenwood IN 2486 CHRISTIAN Manna Church Fayetteville NC 2485 NONDENOM First Assembly of God
Ray GemmeVictorville CA 2480 AG Reynoldsburg United Methodist Church Reynoldsburg OH 2464 UMC Bethel Temple - Iglesia Cristiana Tesalonica A/G
Ron JohnsonHampton VA 2462 AG Kentwood Community Church
Wayne SchmidtKentwood MI 2450 WES Calvary Assembly of God Church Ormond Beach FL 2447 AG Christian Life Assembly
Paul WislockyCamp Hill PA 2427 AG College Church
Rick PowerOlathe KS 2419 NAZ Peachtree Presbyterian
Victor PentzAtlanta GA 2417 PCUSA Big Valley Grace Community
Ron BlancModesto CA 2409 NONDENOM First Baptist Church
Gayleen TerryModesto CA 2409 SBC University UMC
Michael LowrySan Antonio TX 2405 UMC Mount Zion Baptist Church of Oakwood Village
Larry MaconOakwood Village OH 2400 BAPT Wheaton Bible Church
Rob BughWheaton IL 2400 Church for the Nations
Michael MaidenPhoenix AZ 2400 NONDENOM Church of Living Water
Burt SmithOlympia WA 2400 4SQ Sherwood Park Alliance Church
Dave LewisSherwood Park AB 2400 CMA First Baptist Church
Dennis WilesArlington TX 2400 SBC Sonrise Community Baptist Church
Tony FoglioSantee CA 2400 BAPT Calvary Church
Meredith WheelerSouderton PA 2400 CAL First Baptist Church of Naples
Hayes WickerNaples FL 2400 SBC Victory Love Fellowship
Robert CarmanAlbuquerque NM 2400 C3 Church (Cleveland Community Church)
Matt FryClayton NC 2400 NONDENOM Sunrise Community Church
Rich ShermanFair Oaks CA 2400 Emmanuel Baptist Church
Anthony TrufantBrooklyn NY 2400 NONDENOM Valley View Baptist Church Louisville KY 2387 SBC Mt Bethel Lutheran Church Mount Bethel PA 2378 LUTH First Church - Fort Worth
Tim BrusterFort Worth TX 2375 UMC First Church of Christ
Ld CampbellBurlington KY 2369 CHRISTIAN First Baptist Church
Mike WhitsonIndian Trail NC 2355 SBC Westside Baptist Church Omaha NE 2350 SBC Twin Lakes Baptist Church
Lee JilkaAptos CA 2350 BAPT Asbury United Methodist Church
Alan B WeatherlyMadison AL 2350 UMC Visalia First Assembly of God
Mike RobertsonVisalia CA 2313 AG Cornerstone Church Madison TN 2301 AG First Covenant Church
Ted SmithSacramento CA 2301 EC First Baptist -- Raytown
Paul BrooksKansas City MO 2300 SBC Whittier Area Community Church
William AnkerbergWhittier CA 2300 BGC Rocky Mountain Christian Church
Alan AhlgrimNiwot CO 2300 CHRISTIAN Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church
Tullian TchividjianFort Lauderdale FL 2300 PCA First Presbyterian
Jim SingletonColorado Springs CO 2300 PCUSA Christian Fellowship Church
Kent WilliamsAshburn VA 2300 NONDENOM Fellowship Alliance Chapel
Martin BerglundMedford NJ 2300 CMA Tomoka Christian Church
Joe PuttingOrmond Beach FL 2300 CHRISTIAN Temple Bible Church
Gary DeSalvoTemple TX 2300 NONDENOM Rolling Hills Christian Church
Jeff BigelowEl Dorado Hills CA 2300 NONDENOM Full Gospel Tabernacle
Tommy ReidOrchard Park NY 2300 AG Friendship Church
Chad MurphyPrior Lake MN 2300 BAPT North Park Community Church
James BekkersLondon ON 2300 NONDENOM Reston Bible Church
Mike MinterReston VA 2300 NONDENOM The Church At South Las Vegas
Benny PerezHenderson NV 2300 NONDENOM First Baptist Church
Kenny QuallsArnold MO 2300 SBC Vineyard Christian Fellowship
Richard OlmsteadFort Collins CO 2300 VINE Christian Stronghold Baptist Church
Willie RichardsonPhiladelphia PA 2300 BAPT Tree of Life Ministries
Mike DodsonLynchburg VA 2300 IPHC Mgt Family Church
Mary HagenMissisauga ON 2300 Velda Rose United Methodist Church
Bob DietsMesa AZ 2300 UMC New Way Fellowship Baptist
Billy BaskinMiami FL 2300 BAPT Cornerstone Community Church
Francis ChanSimi Valley CA 2300 North Point Church
Tommy SpargerSpringfield MO 2300 NONDENOM Liberty Baptist Church
Emir CanerHampton VA 2300 SBC Knott Avenue Christian Church
Shane WomackAnaheim CA 2300 CHRISTIAN Trinity Missionary Baptist Chr
Drew MarshallPontiac MI 2300 BAPT Blackhawk Church
Chris DolsonMadison WI 2300 EF New Vision Church
David Chinsu YiMilpitas CA 2300 SBC First Baptist Church
Nick GarlandBroken Arrow OK 2300 SBC Redeeming Love Christian Center
Clinton UtterbachNanuet NY 2300 NONDENOM Church At Sugar Creek
Mark HartmanSugar Land TX 2300 Calvary Lutheran Church of Golden Valley
Steve DornbuschGolden Valley MN 2287 ELCA Gulf Breeze United Methodist Church
June NixonGulf Breeze FL 2285 UMC Boca First Assembly of God
Mark BoykinBoca Raton FL 2281 AG Owensboro Christian Church Owensboro KY 2275 CHRISTIAN New Life Community Church Hayden IN 2270 AG The Worship Center
Sam SmuckerLancaster PA 2260 NONDENOM The Church At Rocky Peak
David MillerChatsworth CA 2251 NONDENOM South Biscayne Baptist Church
John CrossNorth Port FL 2250 SBC Bear Creek Baptist Church
David WelchKaty TX 2250 SBC Concord Missionary Baptist Church
E.K. BaileyDallas TX 2250 PNB First Baptist Church
Randy DavisSevierville TN 2241 SBC Quest Community Church
Pete HiseLexington KY 2240 CMA Saint John Lutheran Church
Steve HowerEllisville MO 2238 LCMS Lakeside Church
Brad FranklinFolsom CA 2227 NONDENOM Village View Community Church
Marty SheaSummerfield FL 2200 COGA Olathe Bible Church
Mike BickleyOlathe KS 2200 NONDENOM Calvary Chapel Worship Center New Port Richey FL 2200 CAL Apostolic Church of Auburn Hills
Steve WarmanAuburn Hills MI 2200 UPCI Oakwood Baptist Church
Darrell HenryChickamauga GA 2200 SBC Christ Memorial Church
Mike PitsenbergerHolland MI 2200 RCA Church At The Springs
Ron SylviaOcala FL 2200 SBC Elevation Baptist Church
T.L . Carmichael, Sr.Raleigh NC 2200 MISSBAPT -NBC Park Ave United Methodist Church Valdosta GA 2200 UMC First Assembly of God Church
Dan Remus and Kevin TaylorKenosha WI 2200 AG Antioch Community Church
Jimmy SeibertWaco TX 2200 NONDENOM Vineville United Methodist Church Macon GA 2200 UMC Boston Avenue United Methodist Church
Mouzon BiggsTulsa OK 2200 UMC Columbus Avenue Baptist Church
Brian DunksWaco TX 2200 SBC Chicago Church of Christ
Ron DrabotElmhurst IL 2200 ICC Grace C&Ma Church
Jonathan SchaefferMiddleburg Heights OH 2200 CMA Evergreen Christian Center
Marc ShawHillsboro OR 2200 4SQ Hope Chapel
Zac NazarianHermosa Beach CA 2200 4SQ Porter Memorial Baptist Church
William HenardLexington KY 2200 BAPT First United Methodist Church Lufkin TX 2200 UMC First Evangelical Free Church
Richard EvansManchester MO 2200 EF Council Road Baptist Church
Blake LanderBethany OK 2200 SBC Trinity Church
David EpplerLubbock TX 2200 NONDENOM Maranatha Fellowship Church
James R. Wright, JrSt. Albans WV 2200 NONDENOM New Covenant Baptist Church Orlando FL 2200 BAPT Rock Springs Baptist Church
David GallamoreEasley SC 2200 SBC Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church
William LawsonHouston TX 2200 BAPT First Baptist Church Fort Smith AR 2200 SBC New Hope Baptist Church Jackson MS 2200 BAPT Word of Life Cc Las Vegas NV 2200 NONDENOM Richmond Hill Chinese Community Church
Walter ChuRichmond Hill ON 2200 Clear Creek Community Church
Bruce WesleyLeague City TX 2200 NONDENOM Living Hope Baptist Church
Jason PettusBowling Green KY 2200 SBC Faith Christian Center
George DavidsonJacksonville FL 2200 NONDENOM First Wesleyan Church Battle Creek MI 2200 WES Calvary Assembly
George SawyerDecatur AL 2200 AG Woodcrest Chapel
Pieter Van WaardeColumbia MO 2200 NONDENOM The Meeting Place
Jan WoltmannWinnipeg MB 2200 Christ Church
Charles KykerHickory NC 2200 UMC Northshore Baptist Church
Krista KreizenbeckBothell WA 2200 BAPT Hillside Community Church Rancho Cucamonga CA 2200 ABC W Conroe Baptist Church Conroe TX 2200 SBC Saint Paul Baptist Church
Lamont HarrisSacramento CA 2200 BAPT First Baptist Church
Brian HarbourRichardson TX 2200 SBC Cottonwood Creek Baptist Church
John Mark CatonAllen TX 2200 SBC Grace Presbyterian Church
Ben JohnstonPeoria IL 2200 PCA Traders Point Christian Church
Aaron BrockettWhitestown IN 2200 CHRISTIAN Kempsville Presbyterian Church
Nate AtwoodVirginia Beach VA 2200 Blackshear Place Baptist Church
Jeff CrookFlowery Branch GA 2200 BAPT Church of the Sacred Heart
Mary Jane FarleyRobbinsdale MN 2200 CATH New Hope First Baptist Church Cedar Park TX 2200 SBC New Life Christian Fellowship
Bobby HillChesapeake VA 2200 NONDENOM Grace Covenant Foursquare Church Cornelius NC 2200 4SQ Grace Fellowship Church
Jim LeggettKaty TX 2200 UMC Peachtree City United Methodist Church
William SuitPeachtree City GA 2200 UMC Shepherd of the Valley
Paul HarringtonApple Valley MN 2200 ELCA College View Seventh-day Adventist Churc
Ron HalvorsenLincoln NE 2200 SDA First Christian Church
Bob EwingHuntington Beach CA 2200 CHRISTIAN Venture Christian Church
Chip IngramLos Gatos CA 2200 CHRISTIAN Third New Hope Baptist Church Detroit MI 2200 BAPT Calvary Church
David AllenLancaster PA 2200 NONDENOM New Hope Community Church
Ray CottonPortland OR 2200 NONDENOM Agape Family Worship Center
Lawrence PowellRahway NJ 2200 NONDENOM Upper Room Christian World Center
Anthony D'OnofrioDix Hills NY 2200 NONDENOM Marathon Community Church Greenville SC 2200 BAPT Cokesbury United Methodist Church
G. Steven FalleeKnoxville TN 2200 UMC Christian Life Center
Stan TharpDayton OH 2200 AG Hawthorne Gospel Church
James RichmondHawthorne NJ 2200 Twin Rivers Worship Center
Bryan CutshallSt. Louis MO 2200 COG Boston Church of Christ
Doug ArthurWaltham MA 2200 ICC Kingsland Baptist Church Katy TX 2200 SBC First Assembly of God Church
Gary BrothersCape Girardeau MO 2200 AG Belmont Church
Brian WadeNashville TN 2200 NONDENOM First Southern Baptist Church
Tom EliffDel City OK 2200 SBC Sunset Presbyterian Church
Ron KincaidPortland OR 2175 PCUSA Calvary Temple
Don GeorgeIrving TX 2153 AG East Bayou Baptist Church
Mike WalkerLafayette LA 2150 SBC Fellowship Missionary Church
Dave DeSelmFort Wayne IN 2135 Fairfield Church of Christ
Russell JohnsonLancaster OH 2132 CHRISTIAN Kingsway Christian Church
John CaldwellAvon IN 2126 CHRISTIAN Westlink Christian Church
Gene CarlsonWichita KS 2124 CHRISTIAN First Assembly of God
Scott HaganGrand Rapids MI 2101 AG Faith Lutheran Church
Joe CasigliaTroy MI 2100 LCMS Saint Johns Downtown United Methodist Church
Rudy RasmusHouston TX 2100 UMC Central Church
Ernie FreyCollierville TN 2100 NONDENOM Calvary Temple Church
Jerry MccameyIndianapolis IN 2100 NONDENOM Mount Vernon Baptist Church
James NettersMemphis TN 2100 BAPT Morning Star Baptist Church
John BordersMattapan MA 2100 BAPT Steele Creek Church
Kelvin SmithCharlotte NC 2100 NONDENOM Branch Community Church
S. Craig BishopHarleysville PA 2100 NONDENOM Saint Paul Christian Methodist Episcopal
Da'Henri ThurmondSavannah GA 2100 CME Northwood Church For The Communties
Bob RobertsKeller TX 2100 SBC Williamsburg Community Chapel
Bill WarrickWilliamsburg VA 2100 NONDENOM Central Community Church of God
John HenryWichita KS 2100 COGA Whitesburg Baptist Church
Jimmy JacksonHuntsville AL 2100 SBC Saint Paul Missionary Baptist Church Jacksonville FL 2100 MISSBAPT Calvary Chapel La Habra La Habra CA 2100 CAL Berean Baptist Church
Roger ThompsonBurnsville MN 2100 GBC Saint Timothy United Methodist Church Mandeville LA 2100 UMC Table Rock Fellowship Church Central Point OR 2100 NONDENOM International Gospel Center Southfield MI 2100 PENT Southside Vineyard Crch Greenwood IN 2100 VINE Bethel Evangelical Free Church Fargo ND 2100 EF First Baptist Church
Stephen BriggsHendersonville NC 2100 SBC Anona United Methodist Church
Jack StephensonLargo FL 2100 UMC Kingdom Life Christian Church
Jay RamirezMilford CT 2100 NONDENOM The Life Church Mission Viejo CA 2100 NONDENOM Calvary Temple
Fred FranksConcord CA 2100 AG Faith Evangelical Free Church
Don McreavyFort Collins CO 2100 EF Broadway Church
Karen ReedVancouver BC 2100 Manassas Assembly of God Church
Scott LeibBristow VA 2088 AG Grace Community of Tyler
Gary BrandenburgTyler TX 2086 NONDENOM Hyde Park Baptist Church
Kie BowmanAustin TX 2083 SBC Saint Luke's UMC
William BarnesOrlando FL 2075 UMC Christ Church, Plano
David RoseberryPlano TX 2072 ANGLICAN First Christian Church
John HamptonCanton OH 2052 CHRISTIAN New Life Tabernacle
Mike MitchellBrooklyn NY 2050 UPCI The Pentecostals
Tom FosterWest Monroe LA 2050 UPCI Temple Baptist Church
Tony MeridaHattiesburg MS 2050 SBC New Life Community Church
Mike BerryChicago IL 2050 First Pentecostal Church
Chris CraftJackson MS 2050 UPCI Great Hills Baptist Church
Harold O'ChesterAustin TX 2050 SBC Grove Community Church
Thomas LanceRiverside CA 2050 CMA Mountain Grove Baptist
H. BlackGranite Falls NC 2050 BAPT First Evangelical Free Church
John CrockerRockford IL 2050 EF First Assembly of God
Larry SohnCedar Rapids IA 2050 AG White River Christian Church
Timothy BrockNoblesville IN 2040 CHRISTIAN Westside Church
Ken JohnsonBend OR 2040 4SQ First Church of the Nazarene Pasadena Pasadena CA 2035 NAZ Central Christian Church
David PratherLancaster CA 2017 CHRISTIAN Palmcroft Baptist Church
Dan GavazaPhoenix AZ 2017 BAPT Saint Philip The Deacon
David HoffmanPlymouth MN 2016 ELCA Bethany First Church of the Nazarene
Mel McculloughBethany OK 2013 NAZ New Life Comm Church of the Nazarene
Ron SalsburyPismo Beach CA 2010 NAZ Church On The Move Allentown PA 2000 NONDENOM Cathedral of Praise
Gene And Sue LingerfeltArlington TX 2000 NONDENOM Willow Creek Community Church
Holly PayneHoffman Estates IL 2000 NONDENOM Open Door Presbyterian Church
Paul KimHerndon VA 2000 KPCA Indiana Avenue Baptist Church
Jim GerltLubbock TX 2000 SBC Calvary Chapel Montebello
Pancho JuarezMontebello CA 2000 CAL Highlands Fellowship
Jimmie DavidsonAbingdon VA 2000 SBC Little Country Church
Bryan BlankRedding CA 2000 CAL Memorial Drive United Methodist Church Houston TX 2000 UMC Gethsemane Missionary Baptist
Dennis JonesHouston TX 2000 BAPT Northeast Christian Church
Bob CherryLouisville KY 2000 CHRISTIAN Central Wesleyan Church
Paul HontzHolland MI 2000 WES Hill Crest Baptist Church Anniston AL 2000 SBC The Father's House
Pierre du PlessisRochester NY 2000 NONDENOM Rhema Bible Church
Kenneth HaginTulsa OK 2000 NONDENOM Evangel Fellowship
Otis LockettGreensboro NC 2000 COGIC Westmoore Church
Paul CunninghamOklahoma City OK 2000 EC Christ Community Church
Scott RoleyFranklin TN 2000 PCA Rockbridge Community Church
Matt EvansDalton GA 2000 NONDENOM Church of the Apostles
Michael Amerhom YoussefAtlanta GA 2000 ANGLICAN Ray of Hope Christian Church
Cynthia HaleDecatur GA 2000 DOC Calvary Fellowship Church
Steve WilsonDowningtown PA 2000 Trinity Baptist Church
Tom MesserJacksonville FL 2000 NONDENOM The Sanctuary At Kingdom Square
Anthony MaclinCapital Heights MD 2000 BAPT Global Mission Church
David LeeSilver Spring MD 2000 SBC Immanuel Baptist Church Lexington KY 2000 SBC Covenant Love Family Church
Al BriceFayetteville NC 2000 Cornerstone Church
Jim FranklinFresno CA 2000 AG Capo Beach Calvary Chapel
Chuck Smith, JrCapistrano Beach CA 2000 CAL Christ Church of Oak Brook
Daniel MeyerOak Brook IL 2000 NONDENOM Salem Bible Church
Jasper WilliamsAtlanta GA 2000 NONDENOM Central Baptist Church
Archie MasonJonesboro AR 2000 SBC Denver First Church of the Nazarene Englewood CO 2000 NAZ Word of Life Christian Center
Tim BagwellLone Tree CO 2000 NONDENOM Greenwood Community Church
Shan RutherfordGreenwood Village CO 2000 CHRISTIAN First Assembly of God
David BerothDes Moines IA 2000 AG Moberly Baptist Church Longview TX 2000 SBC Calvary Baptist Church
William RiceClearwater FL 2000 BAPT First Baptist Church
Larry ThompsonFort Lauderdale FL 2000 SBC First Presbyterian Church
William VanderbloemenHouston TX 2000 PCUSA Great Commission Baptist Church
Douglas BrownFt. Worth TX 2000 BAPT Canton Christian Fellowship
Michael CamenetiCanton OH 2000 Village Baptist Church
Nathan HanTigard OR 2000 BAPT First Baptist Church
Waylon BaileyLafayette LA 2000 SBC Calvary Chapel Houston
Ron HindtFriendswood CA 2000 CAL Oakwood Baptist Church
Shawn CorzineNew Braunfels TX 2000 BAPT Christ Fellowship Church
Rick BlackwoodPalmetto Bay FL 2000 SBC Revival Tabernacle/The Anchor
James LarsonSan Diego CA 2000 UPC Calvary Chapel
Wayne TaylorSeattle WA 2000 CAL North Way Christian Community
Arlene RinkWexford PA 2000 Pomona First Baptist Church
Glenn GundersonPomona CA 2000 BAPT Winners Church
Fred ShipmanWest Palm Beach FL 2000 NONDENOM North Cleveland Church of God
Mitch MaloneyCleveland TN 2000 COG Church of the Saviour
Ron MatthewsWayne PA 2000 NONDENOM Reid Temple Ame Church
Lee WashingtonLanham MD 2000 AME Mount Olive Missionary Baptist
Warren HurleyIndianapolis IN 2000 BAPT Mississippi Blvd. Christian Church
Frank ThomasMemphis TN 2000 Grace Presbyterian Church
Doug FergusonHouston TX 2000 PCA Tallowood Baptist Church
Duane BrooksHouston TX 2000 SBC The Love of Jesus Family Church
Jason AlvarezOrange NJ 2000 Calvary Chapel
Ken OrtizeSpokane WA 2000 CAL Carpenter's Home Church
Karl StraderLakeland FL 2000 AG Sligo Seventh-day Adventist Church
Charles TappTakoma Park MD 2000 SDA Cornerstone Baptist Church
Wm. Dwight McKissic, Sr.Arlington TX 2000 BAPT Northstar Church
Mike LinchKennesaw GA 2000 NONDENOM First Baptist Church North Spartanburg
Mike HamletSpartanburg SC 2000 SBC Antioch Bible Church
Ken HutchersonRedmond WA 2000 NONDENOM Brookins Community Ame Church
Frederick MurphLos Angeles CA 2000 AME Dove Christian Fellowship
Larry KreiderEphrata PA 2000 UNK Harvest Life Changers Church
Lyle DukesWoodbridge VA 2000 NONDENOM Woodstream Church
Robert WingfieldMitchellville MD 2000 BAPT Calvary Bible Fellowship
Gary NelsonTemecula CA 2000 CAL Grace Baptist Church
Ronald StewartKnoxville TN 2000 SBC Westgate Chapel
Alec RowlandsEdmonds WA 2000 FCA Grace Christian Center
Terry WhitleyKilleen TX 2000 NONDENOM Moody Church
Erwin W. LutzerChicago IL 2000 NONDENOM Desert Chapel Palm Springs CA 2000 4SQ First Baptist Church
Ron SearsNew Castle DE 2000 SBC Crossroads Community Cathedral
Terry WilesEast Hartford CT 2000 AG First Assembly of God
Robert OnaFargo ND 2000 AG Parkview Baptist Church
Bill TruittBaton Rouge LA 2000 SBC Snyder Memorial Baptist Church Fayetteville NC 2000 SBC First Baptist Church
Jimmy ScrogginsWest Palm Beach FL 2000 SBC Church of the Redeemed of the Lord
Jerome StokesBaltimore MD 2000 NONDENOM Orange Hills Assembly of God
Ed RutherfordOrange Hills CA 2000 AG Lakeview Christian Center
Ronald BontragerIndianapolis IN 2000 AG First Baptist Church
Charles WardRoanoke VA 2000 SBC New Saint Paul Tabernacle
P.A. BrooksDetroit MI 2000 COGIC Sunridge Community Church
Greg SiddersTemecula CA 2000 NONDENOM First United Methodist Church Waco TX 2000 UMC NYC Church of Christ Brooklyn NY 2000 ICC Pentecostal Tabernacle Cogic
James PattersonMemphis TN 2000 COGIC Grace Community Church
Mike MoranAuburn WA 2000 NONDENOM Clavary Chapel Atlanta - Stone Mountain
Sandy AdamsLilburn GA 2000 CAL Christ Emmanuel Christian Fellowship
Michael DantleyCincinnati OH 2000 First Baptist Church
Don HullNorman OK 2000 SBC Port City Community Church
Mike AshecraftWilmington NC 2000 NONDENOM Van Dyke United Methodist Church
Romalie CalderTampa FL 2000 UMC Calvary Chapel of Prescott
Al JamesPrescott AZ 2000 CAL Parkside Church
Alistair BeggChagrin Falls OH 2000 NONDENOM Brightmoor Tabernacle
Tim GambinoSouthfield MI 2000 The Pentecostals
Mark HattebaughCooper City FL 2000 UPCI Grace Bible Church
Dwight EdwardsCollege Station TX 2000 NONDENOM Calvary Chapel Bakersfield CA 2000 CAL West Acres Baptist Church
Larry HarmonEvans GA 2000 SBC Travis Avenue Baptist Church
Michael DeanFort Worth TX 2000 SBC Grace Vineyard of Lenexa Kansas City MO 2000 VINE Christ Church United Methodist
Dick WillsFort Lauderdale FL 2000 UMC Eagle Christian Church
Steven CraneEagle ID 2000 NONDENOM Trinity Baptist Church
Ralph SextonAsheville NC 2000 BAPT Horizon Christian Fellowship North
Bob BotsfordRancho Santa Fe CA 2000 CAL Northwest Church
Steve SchellFederal Way WA 2000 4SQ Roswell Street Baptist Church
Ernest EasleyMarietta GA 2000 SBC Far Hills Baptist Church Dayton OH 2000 SBC Highland Park Baptist Church
Craig MayesSouthfield MI 2000 BAPT First Church of God
Michael BeaverVero Beach FL 2000 COGA Willow Creek Community Church
Jolene FrazierCrystal Lake IL 2000 NONDENOM Faithbridge Church
Ken WerleinSpring TX 2000 UMC Shady Grove Church
Gary BenjaminGrand Prairie TX 2000 NONDENOM Church At Rock Creek
Mark EvansLittle Rock AR 2000 SBC Journey Community Church
Durwin KeckLa Mirada CA 2000 NONDENOM Kansas City Baptist Temple
Jeff AdamsKansas City MO 2000 NONDENOM Lancaster Baptist Church
Paul ChappellLancaster CA 2000 BAPT Colonial Hills Baptist Church
Rick SaygerSouthaven MS 2000 BAPT Cornerstone Evangelical Presbyterian
Richard AlbertaBrighton MI 2000 PRESB Integrity Church-Harvest Church International
Jean/James ThompsonWashington DC 2000 NONDENOM New Life Christian Fellowship
Paul ZinkJacksonville FL 2000 NONDENOM Victory Fellowship
Frank BaileyMetarie LA 2000 AG Fairfield Baptist Church
Michael BentonRedan GA 2000 BAPT Second Baptist Church
Nickie AndersonKingwood TX 2000 BAPT Christ Covenant Church
Sandy LawsonMatthews NC 2000 Shiloh Baptist
Wallace SmithWashington DC 2000 ABC-NBC First Baptist Church
Gary DyerMidland TX 2000 SBC First Assembly of God
Samuel MayoRockford IL 2000 AG Christ Community Church
David HessCamp Hill PA 2000 NONDENOM Vineyard Christian Fellowship
Lance PittlackAnaheim CA 2000 VINE Crossgates Baptist Church
Barry ClinganBrandon MS 2000 SBC Madison Church of Christ
Jimmy SitesMadison TN 2000 COC Emmanuel Baptist Church
James DevneyGreenwood IN 2000 BAPT Abundant Living Ministries
Hugh ThomasPembroke Pines FL 2000 NONDENOM Calvary Chapel Chino Hills Chino Hills CA 2000 CAL Empowerment Temple Ame Church
Jamal-Harrison BryantBaltimore MD 2000 AME Ark of Safety Christian Church
Anthony MuseUpper Marlboro MD 2000 NONDENOM Bay Life Church
Mark SaundersBrandon FL 2000 SBC Canaan Missionary Baptist Church
Walter MaloneLouisville KY 2000 NBC All Nations Community Church
George ThomasHomewood IL 2000 NONDENOM Abundant Life Christian Fellowship
Wayne JacksonMenlo Park CA 2000 COGA Immanuel Bible Church
Michael EasleySpringfield VA 2000 NONDENOM Christ Episcopal Church Ponte Vedra Beach FL 2000 EPIS West Park Baptist Church
Sam PolsonKnoxville TN 2000 BAPT North Jacksonville Baptist Church
Herb ReavisJacksonville FL 2000 SBC Highland Church
Subash CherianJamaica NY 2000 NONDENOM First Baptist Church
Tim MannDaytona Beach FL 2000 SBC First Baptist Church Bryan TX 2000 SBC Christ Presbyterian Church
Ray Ortlund,Nashville TN 2000 PCA East Valley Pentecostal Church
John NelsonSan Jose CA 2000 UPC Victory Christian Center
Robyn GoolCharlotte NC 2000 Lilly Grove Missionary Baptist Church
Terry AndersonHouston TX 2000 MISSBAPT -NBC Evangelical Free Church of Naperville
Dale HummelNaperville IL 2000 EF Apostolic Faith Church
Horace SmithChicago IL 2000 PAW Calvary Chapel
John MillerSan Bernadino CA 2000 CAL Fair Haven Ministries
Tom De VriesHudsonville MI 2000 RCA Lifepoint Church
Joe DukeReisterstown MD 2000 NONDENOM Parkway Baptist Church
Brian BrownVictoria TX 2000 SBC Covenant Church
Joseph GarlingtonPittsburgh PA 2000 NONDENOM High Point Church
Gary SimonsArlington TX 2000 NONDENOM Washington Dc Church of Christ
Doug ArtherWashington DC 2000 ICC College Church
Kent HughesWheaton IL 2000 NONDENOM Life Church of God In Christ
Ron GibsonRiverside CA 2000 COGIC New Providence Baptist Church Detroit MI 2000 BAPT Park Avenue Baptist Church
Peter LordTitusville FL 2000 BAPT Antioch Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church
Karry D. WesleyDallas TX 2000 MISSBAPT -NBC Irving Bible Church
Steve RoeseIrving TX 2000 Trietsch Memorial United Methodist Ch Flower Mound TX 2000 UMC First Baptist Church
Bobby DagnelLubbock TX 2000 SBC Watermark Community Church
Todd WagnerDallas TX 2000 NONDENOM Good Street Baptist Church
Caesar ClarkDallas TX 2000 NBC Church in the Son
Alex ClattenburgOrlando FL 2000 AG West Side Christian Church
Eddie LowenSpringfield IL 2000 CHRISTIAN Brownsville Assembly of God
John KilpatrickPensacola FL 2000 AG First Baptist Church
Craig ConnerPanama City FL 2000 SBC Foothills Christian Fellowship
Dave HoffmanEl Cajon CA 2000 Holman Street Baptist Church Houston TX 2000 BAPT New Psalmist Baptist Church
Walter ThomasBaltimore MD 2000 SBC Immanuel's Church
Charles SchmittSilver Spring MD 2000 NONDENOM Calvary Church Murrieta
Brain BellMurrieta CA 2000 CAL Los Angeles Church of Christ
Kip MckeanLos Angeles CA 2000 ICC Living Word Community Church
Steve AlmquistRed Lion PA 2000 EVAN Riverview Church
five person teamHolt MI 2000 NONDENOM Campus Hill Church
Hyveth WilliamsLoma Linda CA 2000 SDA Olivet Institutional Baptist Church
Otis MossCleveland OH 2000 BAPT Soul Factory - Church of the Lord's Disciples
Deron CloudForestville MD 2000 NONDENOM Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church
David PetersonHouston TX 2000 PCUSA First Baptist Church
Sue WheelerCleveland TN 2000 SBC Only Believe Minstries Christian Center
Peter DoseckBotkins OH 2000 NONDENOM Glad Tidings Assembly of God Omaha NE 2000 AG Blackhawk Baptist Church
Russell MoirFort Wayne IN 2000 GBA Dauphin Way Baptist Church
Clint PressleyMobile AL 2000 SBC Saint Stephen Baptist Church
James AdamsMemphis TN 2000 NBC Faith Deliverance Christian Center Norfolk VA 2000 COC Northside Baptist Church Charlotte NC 2000 SBC Second Ponce De Leon Baptist Church
Mike EppsAtlanta GA 2000 SBC Anchorage Baptist Temple
Jerry PrevoAnchorage AK 2000 BAPT Blythefield Hills Baptist Church Rockford MI 2000 BAPT Washington Heights Baptist Church
Jan BowserOgden UT 2000 BAPT Bridgeway Community Church
David AndersonColumbia MD 2000 NONDENOM Oasis Christian Center
Philip and Holly WagnerLos Angeles CA 2000 NONDENOM Cornerstone Christian Fellowship
Marguerite JonesLas Vegas NV 2000 Harvest Time Church
Shelton BadyHouston TX 2000 NONDENOM River Pointe Church
Patrick KelleyRichmond TX 2000 NONDENOM Rocky Mountain Calvary Chapel
Brian MichaelsColorado Springs CO 2000 CAL Union Chapel Missionary Bapt
O Wendell DavisHuntsville AL 2000 MISSBAPT New Hope Baptist Church
John AvantFayetteville GA 2000 NONDENOM The Temple of Glory
Matthew OdumSavannah GA 2000 New Life Christian Fellowship
Robert CassaraDarien CT 2000 NONDENOM Elim Church
Wilbert MckinleyBrooklyn NY 2000 UNK Foothills Community Church
Greg OrahamSeneca SC 2000 SBC First Baptist Church Tulsa OK 2000 SBC Saint Mark's UMC
Wayne AllowayLincoln NE 2000 UMC Park Street Church
Gordon HugenbergerBoston MA 2000 CCCC Generations Christian Church
Greg JohnsonTrinity FL 2000 CHRISTIAN River of Life Christian Church
Tong LiuSanta Clara CA 2000 NONDENOM Saint Matthews Baptist Church Philadelphia PA 2000 BAPT Highview Baptist Church
Kevin EzellLouisville KY 2000 SBC Church On The Rock, North - The North Church
Lawrence KennedyCarrolton TX 2000 NONDENOM First Baptist Church Amarillo TX 2000 SBC Greater Centenial Ame Zion Church
George BattleMount Vernon NY 2000 AMEZ New Prospect Missionary Baptist Church
Wilma JohnsonDetroit MI 2000 BAPT Grace Cathedral Ministries
Sammy C. SmithGreenville SC 2000 NONDENOM Faith Chapel
Stan SimmonsBillings MT 2000 4SQ Calvary Chapel
Gary KusunokiRancho Santa Margarita CA 2000 CAL Mt. Corinth Missionary Baptist Church
A. Louis PattersonHouston TX 2000 MISSBAPT Taylors First Baptist Church
John AlexanderTaylors SC 2000 BAPT First Assembly of God
Rodney DuronShreveport LA 2000 AG Thessalonia Baptist Church
Shellie SampsonBronx NY 2000 SBC Harvest Church
Vern StreeterBillings MT 2000 NONDENOM Gospel Tabernacle Church
David MartinDallas TX 2000 Sherwood Baptist Church Albany GA 2000 SBC Richland Bible Church
Larry KiserRichland MI 2000 NONDENOM New Life Center
Nate PoetzlEverett WA 2000 4SQ Living Faith Christian Center
Lamont McleanPennsauken NJ 2000 NONDENOM Grove Level Baptist Church Maysville GA 2000 SBC Third Reformed Church
Kevin KorverPella IA 2000 RCA New Shiloh Baptist Church
Harold CarterBaltimore MD 2000 BAPT Wieuca Road Baptist Church
James KingAtlanta GA 2000 CBF Riverside Baptist Church
James ShaddixDenver CO 2000 SBC Ocean Hills Community Church
Jamie CadwellSan Juan Capistrano CA 2000 Roswell United Methodist
Malone DodsonRoswell GA 2000 UMC Orchard Hills Baptist Church
Jay DennisGarland TX 2000 SBC Valley Family Church, Kalamazoo
Jeff JonesPortage MI 2000 NONDENOM Bethel Church
Bill JohnsonRedding CA 2000 NONDENOM Christ Memorial Church
Marc PearsonPoulsbo WA 2000 AG First Baptist Church
Alan DayEdmond OK 2000 SBC The Rock Church & world outreach
Myles YoungElk Grove CA 2000 UPCI Vineyard Christian Fellowship Boise ID 2000 VINE Faith Chapel
Gary JonesSpring Valley CA 2000 AG Fairhaven Baptist Church
Roger VoegtlinChesteron IN 2000 BAPT Columbus Christian Center
David ForbesColumbus OH 2000 Hudson Community Chapel
James ColledgeHudson OH 2000 NONDENOM Family Praise Ctr
Rick HawkinsSan Antonio TX 2000 NONDENOM Israel Baptist Church
William SmithAtlanta GA 2000 MISSBAPT First United Methodist Church
David ShawverRichardson TX 2000 UMC Black Rock Congregational Church
Stephen TreashFairfield CT 2000 NONDENOM SouthLake Foursquare Church
Kip JacobWest Linn OR 2000 4SQ Cascade Community Church Monroe WA 2000 NONDENOM Vineyard Christian Fellowship Dayton OH 2000 VINE Church of the Open Door
Jim MindlingElyria OH 2000 NONDENOM Central Bearden Baptist Church Knoxville TN 2000 SBC Christ United Methodist Church
David BrownleeJackson MS 2000 UMC West End Assembly of God Church Richmond VA 1950 AG Bonita Valley Community Church
Jeff BrawnerBonita CA 1950 AG Westover Hills Assembly of God Church San Antonio TX 1925 AG First Assembly of God Church
Rod LoyNorth Little Rock AR 1910 AG First Friends Church
Mark EngelCanton OH 1900 Cedar Park Assembly of God Church
Joseph FuitenBothell WA 1900 AG Cedar Mill Bible Church Portland OR 1900 NONDENOM Mision Ebenezer Family Church
Isaac J. CanalesCarson CA 1900 AG Iglesias De Restauracion Inc
Rene MolinaLos Angeles CA 1900 PENT First United Methodist Church
Mike RamsdellMansfield TX 1900 UMC Christian Life Center
David CawstonBensalem PA 1900 AG Iglesia El Calvario
Nino GonzalezOrlando FL 1900 AG First Baptist Church
Scott ThomasBrandon MS 1900 SBC Woodland Park Baptist Church
John MeadorChattanooga TN 1900 SBC First Christian Church of Kernersville
Peter KunkleKernersville NC 1870 COC Lima Community Church
Dan HuckinsLima OH 1862 NAZ Clovis Hills Community Church Clovis CA 1850 SBC Fourth Presbyterian Church
John BuchananChicago IL 1850 PCUSA Mentor United Methodist Church Mentor OH 1850 UMC Alamo Heights United Methodist Church San Antonio TX 1850 UMC Community Church of Joy
Walt KallestadGlendale AZ 1850 ELCA First United Methodist Church Huntsville AL 1850 UMC Evangelical Free Church
Ronald HoweFresno CA 1823 EF First United Methodist Church
Rurel AusleyNiceville FL 1820 UMC The Oaks Assembly of God
Tom WilsonRed Oak TX 1810 AG First Baptist Church Simpsonville SC 1800 SBC Green Street Baptist Church
Allan CoxHigh Point NC 1800 SBC Grace Fellowship
Bob YandianBroken Arrow OK 1800 NONDENOM Appleton Alliance Church
Dennis EpiscopoAppleton WI 1800 CMA Valley Christian Center Fresno CA 1800 4SQ Lakeside Christian Church
John RussellLakeside Park KY 1800 CHRISTIAN First United Methodist Church Lakeland FL 1800 UMC Woodmont Hills Church of Christ
Terry SmithNashville TN 1800 COC Canton Baptist Temple
Mike FrazierCanton OH 1800 BAPT St Andrew United Methodist Church
Robert HasleyPlano TX 1800 UMC Central Assembly of God
James BradfordSpringfield MO 1800 AG Altus First Baptist Church
Jeff MooreAltus OK 1800 SBC Saint Mark United Methodist Church Wichita KS 1800 UMC Cathedral of Praise
Ron DrydenOklahoma City OK 1800 First Baptist Church
Fred LoweryBossier City LA 1800 SBC Calvary Chapel Honolulu
Bill StonebrakerHonolulu HI 1800 CAL Bayview Baptist Church
Timothy WintersSan Diego CA 1800 BAPT Victorious Life Church
Edward RussoWesley Chapel FL 1800 AG Wayside Chapel Evang Free
Stephen TroxelSan Antonio TX 1800 EF Colonial Presbyterian Church
Doug RumfordKansas City MO 1800 PCUSA Southern Hills Church of Christ Abilene TX 1800 COC ACA Bethel Church of San Jose San Jose CA 1800 AG Calvary Chapel Westgrove Garden Grove CA 1800 CAL World of Pentecost/Promiseland
Kenneth PhillipsAustin TX 1800 Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church
Robert ManawaySeattle WA 1800 BAPT First Baptist Church
Jay WolfMontgomery AL 1800 SBC Longview Heights Baptist Church Olive Branch MS 1800 SBC Lake Arlington Baptist Church Arlington TX 1800 SBC Rose Drive Friends Church
Jim LeShanaYorba Linda CA 1800 Saint Lorenz Lutheran Church Frankenmuth MI 1800 LCMS Lakeside Baptist Church Granbury TX 1800 SBC Highlands Community Church Renton WA 1800 NONDENOM Union Baptist Temple Bridgeton NJ 1800 ABC The Wesleyan Church of Hamburg
Greg McclainHamburg NY 1800 NONDENOM Lake City Community Church
Mike RimaCoeur d'Alene ID 1800 AG Fairhaven Church
Pete SchwalmDayton OH 1800 CMA Salem First Church of the Nazarene
David LeavenworthSalem OR 1800 NAZ Antioch Baptist Church
Melvin JonesFairfax Station VA 1800 BAPT Grace Chapel
Paul BarnesEnglewood CO 1800 NONDENOM First Baptist Church
Byron McwilliamsOdessa TX 1800 SBC First Baptist Church
T. GuthrieSan Antonio TX 1800 SBC Saint Luke's UMC
Tom PaceHouston TX 1800 UMC Bethany Baptist Church
William JonesBrooklyn NY 1800 SBC Canyon Hills Community Church
Keith BatchelorBothell WA 1800 Salem Baptist Church
Richard HaynesLilburn GA 1800 BAPT Smithtown Gospel Tabernacle Smithtown NY 1800 NONDENOM New Life Church
Dave EarleyGahanna OH 1800 Mayfair Church of Christ Huntsville AL 1800 COC Second Presybterian Church
Lewis GallowayIndianapolis IN 1800 PCUSA Walla Walla City Seventh-day Adventist Church
Mark EtchellWalla Walla WA 1800 SDA Gospel Tabernacle East
Wiley JacksonStone Mountain GA 1800 NONDENOM Covenant United Methodist Church Winterville NC 1800 UMC Dayspring Baptist Church Mobile AL 1800 SBC Calvary Baptist Church
Gary HuckabayLas Cruces NM 1800 SBC The Neighborhood Church Castro Valley CA 1800 CMA South Florida Church of Christ
Phil LambHialeah FL 1800 ICC Geyer Springs First Baptist Church
Jeff WilliamsLittle Rock AR 1800 SBC Christian Center Assembly of God
John GreggKalispell MT 1800 AG Rancho Bernardo Community Church
Bruce HumphreySan Diego CA 1800 PCUSA Highland Oaks Church of Christ
Janice VernonDallas TX 1800 COC Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
John KieschnickNassau Bay TX 1800 LCMS National Presbyterian Church Washington DC 1800 PCUSA Westside King's Church
Greg HarrisCalgary AB 1800 Beltway Park Baptist Church
David McqueenAbilene TX 1800 SBC Eastside Baptist Church
David ChanuceyMarietta GA 1800 SBC College Avenue Baptist
Jim SmithSan Diego CA 1800 BGC Concordia Lutheran Church
Karl FrinckeFort Wayne IN 1800 LCMS N Anderson Church of God Anderson IN 1800 COGA Pace Assembly of God Church
Glyn LowreyPace FL 1800 AG Princeton Alliance Church
Robert CushmanPlainsboro NJ 1800 CMA First Presbyterian Church
Scott DudleyBellevue WA 1800 PCUSA North Mar CMA Church
John TempleWarren OH 1800 CMA Glad Tidings Assembly of God Church Reading PA 1800 AG First Baptist Church
Bobby BoylesMoore OK 1800 SBC First Baptist Church
Kenneth HallLongview TX 1800 SBC Eatonville Christian Sharing Center Maitland FL 1800 NONDENOM Lovers Lane Church
Stanley CopelandDallas TX 1800 UMC Harvest Baptist Church
Ollin CollinsWatagua TX 1800 BAPT World Revival Church
Steve GrayKansas City MO 1800 NONDENOM Valley Baptist Church
Jay AbramsonAvon CT 1700 BGC Harvest Fellowship Community Church
John CannonSan Antonio TX 1500 NONDENOM Faith Chapel Christian Center
Michael MooreBirmingham AL 2,000 NONDENOM Two Rivers Baptist Church Nashville TN SBC